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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2010
iNES is an NES emulator for your iPhone / iPod Touch. It has many features and runs great on any device. Features include:

- Multiple save slots.
- Landscape and portrait views.
- Game Genie cheat code support.
- Download roms directly to your device with the built-in browser and downloader.
- High quality sound.
- Excellent rom compatibility.
- Wiimote support (The latest version of the free BTStack is required)
- Multiplayer support using two wiimotes on one iPhone/iPod Touch

In addition to using the built-in browser, you can transfer the roms of games you legally own directly to the device. Using Iphone Explorer or a similar program, transfer roms to "/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/NES/". For more information, please visit

== New in 1.3 ==
- Fixed name error when using built-in downloader
- Added new site
- Added multiplayer with 2 wiimotes
- Fixed screen shadowing glitch

== New in 1.2 ==
- Added wiimote support
- Speed improvements
- Fixed save and load issues for some people
- New skin
- Minor bug fixes

== New in 1.1 ==
- Added additional skins
- Improved sensitivity
- Fixed rom-downloader
- Added background for save/load notifier.


You can get games for iNES by downloading ROMs be it through the in-game ROM finder or from a ROM site online using iPhone Explorer, or a similar program. For more information on this process you can visit (although the site is underconstruction, the answer to getting games is currently available).


**Remember you are only, legally, allowed to download ROMs for games you already own.
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