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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 1, 2004
Los Angeles.
Hey all,

I know it was briefly discussed in the Palmrest staining thread, but does anybody know what I can use that will not destroy the plastic, while still getting rid of the blue ink?

I tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, wet, and rubbing for about 30 seconds, but it doesnt help out.... and now i'm looking for something that I can buy at any store around here.

Any help would be appreciated ... the stain looks terrible :(
FWIW, I used Klear Screen spray and a Klear Kloth (bought one of those $9.99 start kit deals) to remove an ink stain on the screen of my mother's iMac Core Duo. How you get ink on the screen is beyond me, especially since I had just explained to her what NOT to do in order to keep an LCD looking nice. :rolleyes:
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, won’t dissolve the plastic, and should dissolve the ink. You could use those alcohol pads in a first aid kit, but it would be better to use Q-tips and isopropyl alcohol purchased from a store.

Trivial fact: In recording studios, blue Sharpie pens were often used to record the headers and tales of tape reels. The blue Sharpie is the only one that is nearly 100% able to be removed with isopropyl alcohol (it also shows up black on most colored leaders. In addition to being able to remove the ink to correct mistakes on leaders, isopropyl alcohol dissolves iron oxide, which builds up on the decks heads.

It sounds like you didn’t use a Sharpie, so it should be even easier to remove the ink stain.
Hrmm... just swabbed the thing with Iso alcohol and q-tips only to have the stain still there as noticable as ever.... looks like I'll have to get some non-acetone nail polish remover :-X
mulletman13 said:
Hrmm... just swabbed the thing with Iso alcohol and q-tips only to have the stain still there as noticable as ever.... looks like I'll have to get some non-acetone nail polish remover :-X

Whatever you do...test it on plastic thats not attached to a $1000 item first... :cool:
This may sound funny but I used Clorox Teflon Surface Protector on my ibook to remove numerous Sharpe stains. It cleaned just fine and left no marks or blimishes.:) Really!:)
Lysol will remove ink. No idea what it might do to your plastics though.
I was going to suggest alcohol as well. Could you maybe take a pic of the area where it is? Also is the area textured or smooth plastic? If the macbooks are made out of the same polymer as the ipod shuffles I can't see why it wouldn't come out. I work in a screening shop and walk out of work with ink covered hands often and it comes right out. I'd suggest soaking a tissue with alcohol and let it sit on the area for a little bit.
Its right on the area where the palm rest is.... so it isn't the glossy surface, but rather the matte grey surface. I'll try that with the alcohol rag, and hope that works :)
mulletman13 said:
Its right on the area where the palm rest is.... so it isn't the glossy surface, but rather the matte grey surface. I'll try that with the alcohol rag, and hope that works :)

Get CARBONA STAIN DEVIL for ink. It worked on my ibook like a charm. Comes in a little yellow bottle.
Let me know how it works, I'm going to check out ink removalproducts at work today see if there's anything strong. Good luck.
I had the same problem with blue ink. No luck getting it off yet. The macbook matte plastic seems to absorb every stain it can. I'm ordering an Invisible Shield.
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