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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 4, 2007
Good morning,

Would appreciate some input on a potential new lens for an upcoming Indian Safari trip. I'm by no means anything close to a pro - I just enjoy taking pictures of animals and landscapes. I currently shoot with a D300 and usually keep my 18-200 VR on my body 99 percent of the time as I really enjoy the range.

I am going to be going on a Safari trip later this fall and was looking to invest in a longer lens that will allow me to get closer to the animals. I will probably upgrade my body in the next 2 years and may go full frame at that time. I consider any lens purchase to be an investment for the future and could see myself selling the 18-200 down the road if I do go full frame.

Anyway, I was looking at the 80-400 VR as a longer lens that will act as a 600mm on my D300. I like the range it offers and assume it's going to be just as good in low light as my 18-200 which is to say it will be decent but not spectacular.

The other option the camera store was recommending was the 70-200 2.8. Their comments were that while it would not let me get as close, it will let me get much better low light shots and is a much better overall lens.

I get that the prime will obviously be faster but feel that for most daytime shots, the 80-400 will let in enough light for my needs. The 70-200 would be at the upper end of my budget at this time.

Would appreciate any thoughts or input between the two - or any other option with the aside that I have a personal preference for a Nikon lens vs. Another brand.

Thanks in advance...


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2006
The 80-400 may be the lens that Nikon most needs to replace. It is mediocre by most accounts, and you should bear that in mind.

I'd think about the 300/4 AF-S lens.
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