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Peiyi Yang

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2017
Hey Guys,

I'm thinking of some possibility that AppleScript perhaps could achieve.
In order to minimise the abstraction, I bought the App called Vanilla by Matthew Palmer ( to hide the menubar when I'm at work.


It works like that, the menubar will appear when you click the white arrow on the corner, then hide itself in 5 seconds.
But the arrow is way too small, say when you want to check the time real quick, so I started to find some alternatives. The first thing came to my mind was hot corner, it would be very convenient if I can just move the cursor to the corner to let menubar appear.
But I then discovered that there are no custom keystroke availability in the default macOS hot corner setup.
I'm now thinking of the possibilities with applescript, which I'm not that familiar with, is there anyone has idea about it?
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