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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
A quick update on my Africa Safari trip from this summer.

I've gotten through all 4300 digital images and culled it down to an initial "200 best" (actually 217). Need to go through and make resized versions to not eat up too much of my website's storage to put them online, and then write up short descriptions, etc.

In the meantime, based on a question my wife asked me regarding the trip's breakdown, I saw the relevant Mac/PC advertisement on "Vacation Photos", so I just had to put this one together:


(Courtesty MS-Excel...of course!)

Anyone else have any Mac/PC parody of their own to share? :)



macrumors member
Sep 11, 2006
My Wedding Day!

Was so inspired by the first post.. Had to share one of my most personal days with you guys!

wedding day.jpg


macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
Macanadian said:
Was so inspired by the first post.. Had to share one of my most personal days with you guys!

View attachment 60385
You spent 2.4 hours getting ready and getting to and leaving the reception hall, 4.8 hours getting photos taken, and 6 hours at the chapel and reception? Or was this waking hours only? It's not clear from the diagram. Only joking.


macrumors member
Sep 11, 2006
plinden said:
You spent 2.4 hours getting ready and getting to and leaving the reception hall, 4.8 hours getting photos taken, and 6 hours at the chapel and reception? Or was this waking hours only? It's not clear from the diagram. Only joking.

oh yeah... It was a few years ago and I had a bit too much to drink.. No wrist watch and was being chased by her father (shotgun). :D
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