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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2015
Hi, I would love to be able to automate this task, installing 160 Corel Painter brushes is no joke. They are individual pkg files. and each one requires...
  • A double click to launch
  • Click to Continue
  • Another Continue click for the EULA
  • ...and the subsequent Agree message
  • Yet another Continue
  • An Install click
  • A password and Install Software click
  • ...and finally a Close click.
Doing all of this 160 times seems like a long dark tunnel and I was hoping this could be automated somehow, if so how?


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2012
Looks to me like Iceberg and Packages are useful when you want to make your own packages. Can you post a link to where you got/bought those brushes from?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2015
Some I got from, others came bundled with Corel Painter versions as deals over the years. Can be tedious to install them individually but I may just select the one I most commonly use.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2015
I hope I didn't discourage you from automating this. It can be done. Don't give up, try stuff.
No you haven't, I'm doing a fast track learning session, I like to try and do stuff myself, make a total fudge of it and then ask for more help lol! I've been meaning to learn the basics of programming and the like for a while and this has given me a problem to workaround, I'm quite enjoying it.

Unfortunately in the midst of this I've just had my vehicle written off, a lady pulled out on me, I unavoidably hit their car and and wrapped the van around a tree, luckily nobody was injured, just wounded pride, so I'm frantically sourcing another vehicle and this issue has had to take a back seat.
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