Hey guys, I'm a switch-backer (used a mac up till about System 7, then switched to PC, and now i've switched back to the Mac) and i'm running a PowerMac G4 Digital Audio 733 Single Processor machine. I recently dug up an old zip disk from my old Mac (a Performa 400 AKA LC II if you were wondering) and have found some old programs and documents that i'd like to open up on this machine. I need to install classic mode, but the problem is that my Mac won't boot from the OS 9.2.2 CD that i have. It'll boot OS X and Linux CD's with no problem, but seems to choke on the OS 9 CD. the CD shows up in Finder and i can browse the files. I've tried zapping the PRAM, NVRAM, and several other things, and for the life of me i can't get it to boot. I really only need classic support, so booting isn't needed, but i do need a System Folder with System 9 in it. I copied the System Folder from the OS 9 Disc and when i boot classic it tells me that this system folder is meant to run from the disc, not from a hard drive. so, i can't use classic mode. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work? or could maybe someone just send me a working system folder (if thats not illegal).