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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 28, 2022
Install Windows 10 next to Monterey w/ OCLP, Mac Pro 5,1

I'll try to be to the point:
I have a Mac Pro 5,1 with an RX 6600XT (patched w/ friends PC for boot screen), dual 1TB NVMEs on a single PCIe, one for Monterey and one for extra space. I also have a 1TB SATA disk that I wanted to install Windows 10 on and use for some gaming. My understanding is that installing Windows via UEFI (USB) can corrupt a 5,1, so I'm thinking that's not an option (unsure). I had someone tell me on Reddit that to install Windows with OC I need to do UEFI or it won't be recognized with OC, while others said I needed to use Legacy via a DVD.

I have a Windows 10 burned DVD that I used back before the 6600XT when I was still on High Sierra, but when I try and boot the computer and hold Alt/Option (for a minute or so) there's no display output, even after letting it sit for ~40 minutes (I read somewhere it can sometimes take 20+ minutes to load).

You guys are without a doubt the ones who could direct me, I really just want Windows 10 on my 1TB SATA and would like to be able to choose it at the Boot Picker (which does show on a normal boot, the only option is my Monterey disk which is auto-loaded into).

Additionally, is there any possible way to install Windows on that spare NVMe drive connected through my PCIe port, or is there potential for problems/corruption with that route? Also, does a UEFI VS a Legacy BIOS install cause any differences in performance? Until now I only have wanted whatever works, but if one is better than the other for gaming, I guess it would be noteworthy.
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