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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 29, 2008
I have a 3G 8gb 2.1 iphone. 3gb of apps and 3gb free. I know first i don't need 390 apps, but i have them so i put them on the phone.
First thing is after about 150 apps being installed via itunes the phone would crash while it was syncing more programs. it would load about 10 and the phone would reboot. I have been using poof to hide all the apps I load as i go, so i only have about 2 pages of stuff.
finally i have all the programs on the phone and how i am trying to hide using poof and when i get near the bottom of the list the program(poof) crashes, some times the whole phone. On reboot (via a crash or manually) it take about 60-90 seconds to boot. The phone doesnt lag that often but when it does it freezes for a long time. Is there a way to fix poof crashes, boot time? Is the lag from all the programs or is 2.1 just laggy still. Is there an actual limit of programs you should have? if so how many is too many? Has anyone else had the problem with the phone crashing while syncing lots of programs through Itunes(8).
um you can ONLY have 148 apps (including built in ones) on the iphone at any time for one thing lol

I thought it was limited to 9 pages, but if he hides the icons with poof he might be able to use Dock or Quickgold or something to open them. I dunno.

I'm guessing he's full of crap. ;)
Thats bull

I remember when my First jailbreak took place I immediatley started downloading apps and games from both the App store and Cydia.

Along with Bookmarks, I only reached to the 8th page when problems started occurring. I had 4.2 GBs of memory used, including Music, Videos, and a few eBooks.

Thing is, only 9 pages of apps are allowed... After that, icons will disapear and installation wont process.

And the previous reply was right. Not more than 200 apps, icons, or whatever can be put on the home screen.

Problems occurr when too many apps are launched within a short period of time because some apps require time to shut down before running other proccesses.

This is my opinion backed up by an Apple Rep after I called that my phone would reboot every 3 hours or after I would launch too many apps within a short period of time.

So I say this is Bull, because It also depends of the size of the apps and what they do. He probably went into Cydia and Downloaded 30+ Blank Apps and claims to have 300 or whatever.

So this is just plain bull.

I have a 3G 8gb 2.1 iphone. 3gb of apps and 3gb free. I know first i don't need 390 apps, but i have them so i put them on the phone.
First thing is after about 150 apps being installed via itunes the phone would crash while it was syncing more programs. it would load about 10 and the phone would reboot. I have been using poof to hide all the apps I load as i go, so i only have about 2 pages of stuff.
finally i have all the programs on the phone and how i am trying to hide using poof and when i get near the bottom of the list the program(poof) crashes, some times the whole phone. On reboot (via a crash or manually) it take about 60-90 seconds to boot. The phone doesnt lag that often but when it does it freezes for a long time. Is there a way to fix poof crashes, boot time? Is the lag from all the programs or is 2.1 just laggy still. Is there an actual limit of programs you should have? if so how many is too many? Has anyone else had the problem with the phone crashing while syncing lots of programs through Itunes(8).

If I have +390 apps.. even my macbook pro will experience slow down.
ok so i just checked and it is only 374 apps, plus ones from installer and cydia. but i do have 390+ just some will not install through itunes.I use Appflow to get to all the programs. No where on the phone does it say how many apps you have so i ssh into the phone and took a screen shot on my pc and one in itunes. But this wasnt suppose to be about if i really had that many apps. Are the apps causing the long boot and freezing sometimes or is that with all 2.1 firmware?
and i have well over 400 programs on my pc and its not slow, programs do not cause your pc/mac to run slow its the CPU and ram and maybe if your hard drive is full. And yeah you can only have 9 pages but if you hide everything then you will never have all the pages full.
yeah I know i can remove some apps, and i will if that is the problem but i don't understand why i cant have all 8gb full of apps, i could fill it with music and it isnt slow, why not apps.


  • 370-apps.jpg
    57 KB · Views: 83
You have 400 programs on your computer too? Talk about pack rat.
maybe you should learn how to start prioritizing instead of trying to do something that is clearly not going to benefit you in any real way.
Ok i get it there is no point of having them all installed. However I already wasted my time and installed them. I figured it would take more time to sit there and find out which ones i actually wanted. Also i kept reading the 140 app limit so i wanted to see the max you could actually put on.
This is what i am really trying to find out. a jailbroken 3G 2.1 iphone with ,lets say, 40 apps installed takes how long to boot? does it freeze sometimes? does safari and maps crash for no reason?
if you guys can get past how stupid i am :rolleyes: for installing all the programs and just let me know the answers to those questions i would be very thankful.
Ok i get it there is no point of having them all installed. However I already wasted my time and installed them. I figured it would take more time to sit there and find out which ones i actually wanted. Also i kept reading the 140 app limit so i wanted to see the max you could actually put on.
This is what i am really trying to find out. a jailbroken 3G 2.1 iphone with ,lets say, 40 apps installed takes how long to boot? does it freeze sometimes? does safari and maps crash for no reason?
if you guys can get past how stupid i am :rolleyes: for installing all the programs and just let me know the answers to those questions i would be very thankful.

U realize that the quantity has nothing to do with freezes?

Its if the developer did a good or ****** job. Badly made apps are more likely to cause a crash.
Wow, I think this thread takes the award for the greatest number of unhelpful trolls I have ever seen in one place. The guy asked a simple question, and not one of you knows the answer, but you all saw an opportunity to make fun of a stranger and totally irrelevant personal opinions, so you jumped on it, even after he clarified twice more that what you were raking him over the coals about was not what he was after. A couple of you got on and even posted lies just so you could make fun of him, and when he proved with a screenshot you were lying, you just kept making fun of him and didn't even have the sense to be embarrassed that the whole forum can now see that what you're all about. Wow.

You all ought to go out and enjoy the sunshine, or something. There's better things to do with your time that looking for strangers whose throats you can jump down from behind the safety of your keyboard. Maybe you can find something to do to make you feel better about your life, and you won't have to do this to other people anymore.

Now: Bdkap, yes, having too many apps installed will make any app that enumerates your apps (like Poof, or trying to set the dock apps in SBSettings) crash. I've hunted and not found a solution to this besides removing apps. Also, when you boot/respring, all the icons for your installed apps get cache in RAM - they're only about 5k apiece, but with that many apps that adds up and can eventually take a bit out of your memory, and the caching process takes time as well. Cut way back on your apps and you won't have these long waits, and Poof will work again. Also, anything that hooks into MobileSubstrate and stays resident in memory (like QuickGold or Winterboard) can bloat the amount of memory that Springboard requires and contribute to these sorts of problems, try disabling as many of those as you can. There's no other solution that I know of. Unfortunately I haven't seen the sorts of synching problems you're describing, so I don't know what to tell you on those.

Hope this helps,
Wow, I think this thread takes the award for the greatest number of unhelpful trolls I have ever seen in one place. The guy asked a simple question, and not one of you knows the answer, but you all saw an opportunity to make fun of a stranger and totally irrelevant personal opinions, so you jumped on it, even after he clarified twice more that what you were raking him over the coals about was not what he was after.

This thread is also 5 months old so you posting this was irrelevant.
This thread is also 5 months old so you posting this was irrelevant.

Ah, another insecure kid desperately trying to make himself feel big by trying to put down a stranger on the internet.

Thanks for identifying yourself so quickly, troll, so I could add you to my Ignore list right away. So go ahead and keep spouting troll nonsense at me, make yourself look like as big a loser as you want to everyone else, I'll never even see it.

In case you didn't notice - and I think I'm paying you more respect than your un-thought-out attempt at igniting a flame war with me deserves by even saying this - the question hadn't been answered, and the iPhone OS is still in use, and 5 months hasn't changed that, so answering it was relevant. (I realize to a 15-year-old, 5 months seems like a long time, but adults use iPhones too, you know, and 5 months is nothing in the real world when serious tech issues need to be worked out.)

And if I editorialized a bit on top of it, well, this thread deserved it, because, man, the above trolls were nothing but bullies to that guy, and 5 months passing by doesn't make that not have happened. And I don't like bullies.

But don't grow up too fast, kid - enjoy this time of your life. Once you're an adult nobody is going to tolerate this kind of behavior.

Ignored now. Bye!


PS: Hey, mods, do you guys lock old threads on this forum? Maybe you want to to shut this one down since the question has been answered and it's otherwise become a venue for nothing but bad-tempered nonsense? Just my $.02.
This thread is also 5 months old so you posting this was irrelevant.

Well, maybe not making it irrelevant. Some people did, however, post helpful comments in this thread. I think that if you wish to become the Good Samaritan of MacRumors Forums then you should have your above post copied and ready to paste at all times!;)

Wikipedia-Troll(Internet) said:
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Ah, another insecure kid desperately trying to make himself feel big by trying to put down a stranger on the internet.

Thanks for identifying yourself so quickly, troll, so I could add you to my Ignore list right away. So go ahead and keep spouting troll nonsense at me, make yourself look like as big a loser as you want to everyone else, I'll never even see it.

But don't grow up too fast, kid - enjoy this time of your life. Once you're an adult nobody is going to tolerate this kind of behavior.

What I meant on my post was the arguing ended months ago so there was no need for you to start it up again.
Thanks for the life lession bro.
It was answered in his question.

Perhaps if your sole purpose on these boards is to be unhelpful, you might try to claim some such nonsense as "the question answered itself". If that were true, why would he ask it? It was a good question and he wanted an answer and nobody gave it to him, so I did.

Yes, the large number of apps, as he mentioned, were the root cause of one part of his problem. But a helpful answer explains not just "what" but "why". And he asked for further details that everyone, including you right now, chose to ignore so they could have their sick fun putting him down for asking.

Right. Your turn.


Providing a knowledgable answer to a question about a still-current operating system is not irrelevant. Other people might land here in the future by finding this page in Google search results, as I did, and having a good answer be somewhere in the thread is valuable.

And pointing out when a troll (or trolls in this case) has treated another human being unfairly is always relevant. 5 months gone by doesn't make bullying ok.

OK, that's two trolls I've bothered to respond to. To anybody else whose motive for posting a further reply is to start some sort of argument for no reason, go ahead, I'm not going to reply to any more trolls, I'm just going to add them to my ignore list like I did for these two, and move on.

pointing out when a troll (or trolls in this case) has treated another human being unfairly is always relevant. 5 months gone by doesn't make bullying ok.

Tell me again how I "Bullied" you?
I'm a troll? I have never been called a troll by someone who has a whopping 5 posts.
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