I already use something like surfShark, a public vpn. Have been using it on my MBP and an iMac.
my public vpn provider allows simultaneous log in's
??what has been your experiences running a public VPN on your iPhone??
just recently got something like surfShark running on my iphone.
i installed an apple store copy of the openVPN app onto my iPhone7
i loaded surfShark's openVPN config files on to my file sever
copied (shared) these files into the iphone's openVPN app via the iphone's Files app
openVPN immediately recognized the config files
its working:
verified; a VPN icon top left of the iphone's screen.
i am not too security conscious but i have it if I need it
surfShark is as good as any for my needs
i could setup a private vpn on pfSense box but this was quicker faster.
my public vpn provider allows simultaneous log in's
??what has been your experiences running a public VPN on your iPhone??
just recently got something like surfShark running on my iphone.
i installed an apple store copy of the openVPN app onto my iPhone7
i loaded surfShark's openVPN config files on to my file sever
copied (shared) these files into the iphone's openVPN app via the iphone's Files app
openVPN immediately recognized the config files
its working:
verified; a VPN icon top left of the iphone's screen.
i am not too security conscious but i have it if I need it
surfShark is as good as any for my needs
i could setup a private vpn on pfSense box but this was quicker faster.