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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 1, 2007
I jailbroke my phone after the 2.0.1 release with winpwn and everything was working pefectly, cydia and installer

just recently (yesterday actually) installer kept crashing on me. at one point it asked me to update to the new installer 4.0 beta 5, i clicked yes but it could not find the url.

so whenever I press installer, its responsive for a few seconds (10 secs at the max) then under the tasks menu in the bottom right the number 17 comes up (whens its refreshing sources) and I cannot do anything besides keep tapping the power and home button to get out of installer since its frozen

I also ssh'd my iphone yesterday but i dont know if that is the problem..

anyone experiences this as well? anyone have possible solutions?

thanks a bunch
I jailbroke my phone after the 2.0.1 release with winpwn and everything was working pefectly, cydia and installer

just recently (yesterday actually) installer kept crashing on me. at one point it asked me to update to the new installer 4.0 beta 5, i clicked yes but it could not find the url.

so whenever I press installer, its responsive for a few seconds (10 secs at the max) then under the tasks menu in the bottom right the number 17 comes up (whens its refreshing sources) and I cannot do anything besides keep tapping the power and home button to get out of installer since its frozen

I also ssh'd my iphone yesterday but i dont know if that is the problem..

anyone experiences this as well? anyone have possible solutions?

thanks a bunch

having the same problem here
just wondering if ssh could be the problem because I re-jailbroke my phone and installer started working and was fine uptil the point where i ssh'd again..then the crashing/freezing starting happening again

could that be the problem or is it something else?

i have been having the same problems but i havent SSH'ed recently
i actually came on to post a topic like this
The new Installer is just a little buggier. Now, it refreshes all the sources as soon as it opens up, which can cause it to temporarily freeze. Just give it about 3 or 4 minutes to refresh the sources and it will be finished. It's a pain, I know, and I hope they fix it soon.
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