I just jailbroken my iphone 3G (2.1 firmwire) using quickpwn and i noticed that the jailbreaking process installed cydia and installer on my iphone. What is the Installer for? I know cydia is the main app that ppl use to download stuff..and also to unlock the iphone when the dev team releases the software. Is Installer something similar to Cydia? Is there any reason why I should bother using Installer? If it's pointless, how do i uninstall it?

I just jailbroken my iphone 3G (2.1 firmwire) using quickpwn and i noticed that the jailbreaking process installed cydia and installer on my iphone. What is the Installer for? I know cydia is the main app that ppl use to download stuff..and also to unlock the iphone when the dev team releases the software. Is Installer something similar to Cydia? Is there any reason why I should bother using Installer? If it's pointless, how do i uninstall it?