I know I am doing something profoundly stupid, but ...
So I installed the boost libraries, I thought I did it correctly but I am not getting g++ to compile the test program correctly at the end, so ... obviously not.
Here is the flow of events. I downloaded boost_1_55_0b1.tar.bz2 from source forge
in the terminal I unpacked with:
entered the directory that this created:
ran the bootstrap setup:
ran the boost compile:
It identified I was on OSX and started to run its darwin compile. This took forever as it compiled over 1000 interfaces, failed on 4 (but it didn't seem all that bothered by them) and skipped 8. Seems like a reasonable install and it it seemed as happy as I was about this (which was acceptably happy).
Then I ran the final install
And it seemed happy with how all the files were relocated and whatnot.
So I pasted in a pre-made boost demo/test file the "boost/format.hpp" library into an empty text file and saved it as sample_userType.cpp (exact code here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/libs/format/example/sample_userType.cpp )
but when I try to compile the test file:
I get a ton of errors, starting with the most important (and only real one):
... and all of the rest of the errors were obvious dangling definitions problems for various things defined the header file, format.hpp, and thus there is no reason to list them here as they are effectively meaningless.
So ... any idea what embarrassingly idiotic thing have I done now? (thanks in advance.)
So I installed the boost libraries, I thought I did it correctly but I am not getting g++ to compile the test program correctly at the end, so ... obviously not.
Here is the flow of events. I downloaded boost_1_55_0b1.tar.bz2 from source forge
in the terminal I unpacked with:
tar -xzf boost_1_55_0b1.tar.bz2
entered the directory that this created:
cd boost_1_55_0b1
ran the bootstrap setup:
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/usr/local
ran the boost compile:
It identified I was on OSX and started to run its darwin compile. This took forever as it compiled over 1000 interfaces, failed on 4 (but it didn't seem all that bothered by them) and skipped 8. Seems like a reasonable install and it it seemed as happy as I was about this (which was acceptably happy).
Then I ran the final install
./b2 install
And it seemed happy with how all the files were relocated and whatnot.
So I pasted in a pre-made boost demo/test file the "boost/format.hpp" library into an empty text file and saved it as sample_userType.cpp (exact code here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/libs/format/example/sample_userType.cpp )
but when I try to compile the test file:
g++ sample_userType.cpp
I get a ton of errors, starting with the most important (and only real one):
sample_userType.cpp:16:28: error: boost/format.hpp: No such file or directory
... and all of the rest of the errors were obvious dangling definitions problems for various things defined the header file, format.hpp, and thus there is no reason to list them here as they are effectively meaningless.
So ... any idea what embarrassingly idiotic thing have I done now? (thanks in advance.)