can you help me more here cause i got no clue what you are saying, nor do i know where i can get those files from, or if they are inside the sd card!
The files come from the Android SDK (software development kit), though you can download just the fastboot and ADB binaries
here instead of having to download the whole SDK -- which is quite large.
After you download that, extract to your desktop. Open up a terminal window and type in these commands:
$ cd desktop/platform-tools
$ sudo mv adb fastboot /usr/bin
The second command will ask you for your password. The purpose of these commands is to move the ADB and fastboot binaries to a place where you can execute them from any directory; the directory I chose was /usr/bin as it is already in $PATH. Otherwise you'd have to be inside the platform-tools directory to execute any ADB commands.
Next you will want to make sure ADB debugging is enabled on your phone. Go to settings -> about phone -> tap "Build number" until it says that developer options are enabled. Then back out to the main settings menu again and you should see Developer options. Go here and check the USB debugging box.
Now plug in your phone and go to the terminal window and type in this command:
Output should be similar to this
And you will get a message like this on your phone.
Check the box and click OK.
Run the command in terminal again and you should get an output like I posted in my previous post to Llyodbm, with
unathorized changing to
If you see that, ADB has been set up correctly and you can run the install command. Make sure the apk is on your desktop and run this in terminal:
$ cd desktop
$ adb install nameofapk.apk
Replacing 'nameofapk' with the actual name of the file.
I'm sure some of this will need more clarification, so let me know if you get stuck and I'll try to help simplify as best I can.