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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
So i got the new imac 3.06, hd 4850... and today i get a notice that there is an update.... so i go to download it, and it tells me that i cant... cause my partition needs to be GUID or something.... what i dont understand is why when i bought my imac didnt it already come this way??? so now after everything that i have done on it for the last 3 weeks i have to erase everything and stat all over again cause my hard drive wasnt guid partition??? how can this be? how is anyone who is a new mac owner supposed to know this?.... how can i get this update with out starting all over again??... i dont have an external hard driver to copy all my stuff over to, so is there any other way to do this with out erasing everything and doing it all over again from scratch??

this really ticks me off. macs supposed to be user friendly!!!
this is the msg i get when i press the shutdown button to install the update:

Your firmware can not be updated because the hard drive partition scheme may not be supported. You must be booted from a GUID partiton or RAID scheme See '' for more information (internal error 28 : 3).

when i go to that page it pretty much tells me that i need to redo my partition from the begining... this cant honestly be true?? how can this be?
that's weird. don't spend any more time trying to figure it out. call 1800-MY-APPLE and make them figure it out. the thing is brand new. you shouldn't have to monkey with this kind of thing.
that's weird. don't spend any more time trying to figure it out. call 1800-MY-APPLE and make them figure it out. the thing is brand new. you shouldn't have to monkey with this kind of thing.

thats what i was thinking... ill have to call them tomorrow after work and see what they way... thats bs if i had to erase the partition and start all over again... i dont see how they can do that... has anyone else had this problem?
I'm curious if you manually re-partitioned the internal hard drive? i get a notice that there is an update.... why when i bought my imac didnt it already come this way???
The firmware update was not ready when your iMac was built. I suspect there were software updates that were available for you to install also (again, not ready at the time the system's master disk image was built for use by the factory).

There will surely be more updates of various sorts in the future. Apple (and its partners) are making forward progress on the software and firmware -- which is a good thing to me!
I'm curious if you manually re-partitioned the internal hard drive?

The firmware update was not ready when your iMac was built. I suspect there were software updates that were available for you to install also (again, not ready at the time the system's master disk image was built for use by the factory).

There will surely be more updates of various sorts in the future. Apple (and its partners) are making forward progress on the software and firmware -- which is a good thing to me!

i dont get what this has to do with what im asking.... i understand that there will be other updates my problem is my imac is telling me that i cannot install them cause my partition is not GUID.... why is this and what am i supposed to do?.... they cant honestly sell me a computer and then release updates that i cant even do and expect me to know that i should have repartitioned my drive right when i got it to be GUID....
If you open Disk Manager (under Utilities) and click on the hard disk your OS X installation is partitioned on, what does 'Partition Map Scheme' say at the right bottom? There can only be 3 types: GUID, Apple Partition Map and MBR.
thats what i was thinking... ill have to call them tomorrow after work and see what they way... thats bs if i had to erase the partition and start all over again... i dont see how they can do that... has anyone else had this problem?

OK first it's GUID, repeatedly calling it guild makes this sound like a joke thread.

Second, from reading your posting history this most likely happened when you installed Vista 64, you mentioned removing partitions and having a hard time with the installation, at some point you changed the partition type on your boot drive.

You are probably going to have to reformat and reinstall both OSes.
wow sorry i wrote IT WRONG! lol i didnt think this was a spelling test! any how u know what im talking about... and no i didnt change anything. the main partition has nothing to do with my boot camp partition when i had to delete a partition it was only the boot camp side and i restored the main one back to its full capacity by moving the lil line down to make it full again... im not at home and i cant remember what the partition for the mac side was called. i just know it wasnt what its telling me it should be to download the update... my imac came this way. i just dont understand why it would come so that i couldnt get updates... sorry im not very computer smart when it comes to these things i never had all these problems with pc and this is my first mac. i come here for help cause usually there will be one or two ppl who have some useful knowledge or someone who has had the same problem. and to the guy who suggested that i do it from external, well i dont have an external dirve... all i have is the mac...

ill just call apple after work and get their help.

*There i corrected my spelling for you ihabime*
OP, sorry this might be a bit off topic, but does your iMac also have problems with the shift key? At least you seem to know where the CAPS-LOOK is, and how that functions.
OP, sorry this might be a bit off topic, but does your iMac also have problems with the shift key? At least you seem to know where the CAPS-LOOK is, and how that functions.

ummm no... that works just fine... :confused:
A li'l upset

Babs, what one of the posts was referring to is your Disc Utility that you wlll find in your Applications folder, and if you click on your main hard drive in the left-hand column, you will see a picture like this, which will tell you what you are using, and hope this helps:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch[/]
Babs, what one of the posts was referring to is your Disc Utility that you wlll find in your Applications folder, and if you click on your main hard drive in the left-hand column, you will see a picture like this, which will tell you what you are using, and hope this helps:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch[/]

yes i know how to do that... and where it shows GUID partition on ur pic mine doesnt say that... im not at home right now and cant remember what it says but when i get home i will check it and tell you... as of right now its looking like im going to have to reformat everything again which really sucks cause i have no way of backing up all my stuff, and i have already had a hell of a time getting my boot camp to work... i really dont want to have to go threw that again but i dont see what else i can do... i want to be able to update my computer when it needs to be done.
OP, sorry this might be a bit off topic, but does your iMac also have problems with the shift key? At least you seem to know where the CAPS-LOOK is, and how that functions.

I lol'ed. To OP, I really also believe that you must have changed your partition when you messed around with boot camp but it doesn't matter. Just call Apple tech support and they will tell you the same thing.

To OP, I really also believe that you must have changed your partition when you messed around with boot camp but it doesn't matter. Just call Apple tech support and they will tell you the same thing.

Agreed, Your new Mac would have came with a GUID partition scheme. The only way it wouldn't be GUID would be if you changed it.
actually thats not true i have been reading all day about this and i have seen lots of other ppl who recieved theirs with the Master Boot Record partition... thats what i have... and i just got off the phone with apple and apparently they are still working on the upgrade and if i just give it a couple more days i should be able to install it.... they said i have done nothing wrong and everything i did was right its just not ready yet... i dunno what thats suppsoed to mean but i said ok ill wait a couple days and see what happens... they are apple experts right? they should know what they are talking about!
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