If your Mac came with the restore disks on a DVD, then you have a DVD drive. If you don't then call Apple because they made a mistake. However, I think the only Mac left that doesn't read DVDs is a special education store only iBook.
This DVD doesn't happen to be blue on the bottom, silver on top, and say something like "Memorex" or "Sony" on it, does it? I think we're not getting the whole story.
Let's say that you did have something on a DVD that you wanted installed on a non-DVD computer. It happened to me with iLife 04. I wanted GarageBand on my iBook but I only have a CD ROM. I used another Mac to copy the GarageBand package to my iPod, then copied that to the iBook.
You're stuck without another Mac with a DVD drive though. Find a friend with one or find a Kinkos and pay to use one there.