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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2008
yes, i'm a newbie to the mac world!

i'm having trouble installing sapphire - simply the instructions don't make sense to me....

does anyone have the patience to explain this to me. i will be very grateful.


Installing Sapphire Browser in Leopard
Sapphire will now run on any (Intel or PPC) Mac running Leopard.

1. First make sure you have Front Row installed - Pretty sure it is by default.

2. Download Sapphire & Unzip to your desktop.

3. If you are replacing an older version of Sapphire you will first need to remove the old copy. Using the terminal* type: “sudo rm -r /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\”

4. Place Sapphire.frappliance in: “/System/Library/CoreServices/Front”. Using the terminal* type: “sudo mv ~/Desktop/Sapphire.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\”

5. You will need to Authenticate to copy into this directory.

6. Once copied into the directory you will need to make sure Front Row isn’t already running.Using the terminal* type: “kill $(ps ax | grep [F]ront | awk ‘{print $1}’)”

7. Open Front Row using the “MENU” button on your Apple remote or double-click the Front Row application in your “Applications” menu. Also the keyboard sequence cmd-esc (Command-Escape) will automatically bring up frontrow.Enjoy!
What part(s) of the instructions do you not understand?

By the way, #6 is easier to do just by typing "killall Front\ Row"
BTW, this is the wrong forum.

Anyway, I assume you have an Intel Mac? If so, you have Front Row.

Step2. Download Sapphire from - this will go into your downloads folder, wherever you've configured it to be. It's your Desktop by default.

Using Finder, go to where this is downloaded, and drag the zip file to your desktop if it's not already there. Double click the zip file. This will unzip it.

Step4. Open Terminal from /Applications/Utilities.

Type the following exactly, from an admin account - you can copy and paste this:
cd Desktop
sudo mv ~/Desktop/Sapphire.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\
Step5: You'll be asked for your password at this point. If this fails, then you're not using an admin account and will have to switch to one, and repeat the above.

Step6: type
killall Front\ Row

Restart Front Row using your remote.
sorry for the wrong forum.

thanks for the help. for some reason once i download the file it isn't zipped, then i follow the instructions and it didn't seem to work. is this because the file wasn't zipped??
Are you using Safari with the "Open safe files after downloading" option set?

In that case the zip will unzip automatically, and you'll have a Sapphire.frappliance folder in your downloads folder.

What exactly didn't work? Any idea at what step it failed? Did you get any error messages?

I just installed it myself and it worked fine. I had an earlier beta of Sapphire and I didn't like it (it crashed every time on importing meta data) so uninstalled it. This looks better.
This is the message i get after entering password:

mv: rename /Users/ryanpoole/Desktop/Sapphire.frappliance to /System/Library/CoreServices/Front Directory not empty

any suggestions??
It means /System/Library/CoreServices/Front already exists.

Do step 3:
sudo rm -r /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\

before the mv command.
BTW, this is the wrong forum.

Anyway, I assume you have an Intel Mac? If so, you have Front Row.

Step2. Download Sapphire from - this will go into your downloads folder, wherever you've configured it to be. It's your Desktop by default.

Using Finder, go to where this is downloaded, and drag the zip file to your desktop if it's not already there. Double click the zip file. This will unzip it.

Step4. Open Terminal from /Applications/Utilities.

Type the following exactly, from an admin account - you can copy and paste this:
cd Desktop
sudo mv ~/Desktop/Sapphire.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\
Step5: You'll be asked for your password at this point. If this fails, then you're not using an admin account and will have to switch to one, and repeat the above.

Step6: type
killall Front\ Row

Restart Front Row using your remote.

I'm sorry to bother you. But I did do to the letter the steps above and when I open Front Row there is no change at all, is just the regular Front Row.

If I try to execute the copy command again it does it and gives no warning that the file or directory already exist.

Any advise?

Thanks in advance for the help
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