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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2021
Hi there - I have done a lot of reading, but am looking for a little more info on how to install Win10 on my 5,1 that has h9826790's Opencore running off a USB stick.

In it he mentions it has "Firmware protection (to run Windows in EFI mode without risking the cMP bootROM)". I see that this spoofs the bootrom version.

However, all the resources I read say install in legacy BIOS mode from a DVD, etc etc to avoid corrupting the bootrom.

What's my best way to install win10 if I have opencore installed? Still do BIOS install? (If for some reaosn I ever unplug the USB stick with OC on it, would that then make my bootrom vulnerable to getting messed by windows again?)

Thanks in advance - I have read a lot but haven't found much if anything definitive on this specific subject.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2015
first thing you should do is backup your boot rom.

You can try my dumper. The plus is it has basic health checks inside, checks for certificates and other junk.

I would install in bios mode and use rEFInd for chain loading Windows Legacy in OpenCore.

or Dayo’s Refindplus what can chainload MartinLo package.

Nguyen Duc Hieu

macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2020
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hi there - I have done a lot of reading, but am looking for a little more info on how to install Win10 on my 5,1 that has h9826790's Opencore running off a USB stick.

In it he mentions it has "Firmware protection (to run Windows in EFI mode without risking the cMP bootROM)". I see that this spoofs the bootrom version.

However, all the resources I read say install in legacy BIOS mode from a DVD, etc etc to avoid corrupting the bootrom.

What's my best way to install win10 if I have opencore installed? Still do BIOS install? (If for some reaosn I ever unplug the USB stick with OC on it, would that then make my bootrom vulnerable to getting messed by windows again?)

Thanks in advance - I have read a lot but haven't found much if anything definitive on this specific subject.

I would backup the ROM first.
Then install Windows on a PC, plus all the updates.
Then move the SSD to MP5,1 and install BootCamp auto, or manually select the necessary drivers from BootCamp files and install.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2015
so he gets an uefi install with all the downsides...

I also used virtualBox, configured a SSD as a real disc, forced bios mode and installed that way.

Why? Had no DVD-R :)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2021
first thing you should do is backup your boot rom.

You can try my dumper. The plus is it has basic health checks inside, checks for certificates and other junk.

I would install in bios mode and use rEFInd for chain loading Windows Legacy in OpenCore.

or Dayo’s Refindplus what can chainload MartinLo package.
Thanks - I backed up my bootrom using your tool, after doing an earlier dump of it using ROMtool as well.

I read some more and it sounds like OC doesn't like BIOS installs? Since I had Dayo's OC with secure boot, I got Win 10 working through installing Win 10 on a separate SSD using Windows to Go in Rufus (on VMware), and then booting into the Windows SSD as needed.

One thing I have noticed is the difference in my earlier ROM dump, and the one I did before installing windows - I see the free space has gone down, but memory configs has gone up (10 -> 20), and BluetoothActiveControllerInfos (1 -> 4???). However, I had done this before getting Windows going, so that's a little confusing to me.

Boots back fine into Mac OS. Anything I should be worried about?
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