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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 31, 2010
Is it still possible ?

I searched all over Google but nothing. Most tutorials are based on Windows 10 and I'm not looking to install win 10.

I'm running the latest version of OS x Sierra.

I also don't want to use boot camp. Besides the boot camp installer says it can only do win 10 and above.

Can someone help me out . I need to know how to make a bootable USB drivenfor windows 7 that the Mac can read so I can install it on a separate partition.


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2015
I have been using VMWare Fusion for years, it works very well. There are also parallel and VirtualBox-which is free.
The advantage of using a virtual machine over boot camp is that you don't have to leave the Mac environment while running Windows, the other is that if your Window is broken badly, you can always trash it, or better yet, clone a copy of your Window, before it is broken, than you can always trash the broken one and restore it with the clone, quick and simple fix. :)
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