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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
I gave my son my 2008 dual quad core Mac Pro, and he installed Windows, and all his games have very low sound output. He has the speaker volume at full, and the sound is very low. Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you installed the boot camp drivers.

Volume is adjusted in several places. The game itself, the Windows volume control in the lower right corner, and of course the speakers. Check all three.
If you have the Bootcamp drivers installed, you should be able to use the volume controls on the keyboard as well (assuming the machine has an Apple keyboard, or keyboard with compatible volume controls.)

Volume output on the speakers can only boost what the system is putting out. If the system is putting out a very low volume, the speakers can only boost it so far.
When he began boot camp it wouldn't let him download windows support software so the work around was to put the snow leopard disc in after installing windows 7. Once Win 7 was installed, he put the snow leopard disc in and nothing happened. I've heard it should automatically begin installing the correct drivers but the disc didn't even mount.
Ok, finally got the right drivers off the Snow Leopard disk, and everything is working great! Thanks again for all the help.
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