Right, i'm a newbie so go easy...
It has taken me all afternoon to jailbreak my ATV2. I have done it using Seas0npass.
Now I am trying to install XBMC on my Mac...what a nightmare!
I have my ATV2 connected using a mini usb, and I have tried with and without the power cord connected. I am using Terminal to try to connect to it by writing the following;
helen-nichols-computer:~ helennichol$ ssh root@192.xxx.x.x
but i just get;
ssh: connect to host 192.xxx.x.x port 22: Operation timed out
I need clear help here!
It has taken me all afternoon to jailbreak my ATV2. I have done it using Seas0npass.
Now I am trying to install XBMC on my Mac...what a nightmare!
I have my ATV2 connected using a mini usb, and I have tried with and without the power cord connected. I am using Terminal to try to connect to it by writing the following;
helen-nichols-computer:~ helennichol$ ssh root@192.xxx.x.x
but i just get;
ssh: connect to host 192.xxx.x.x port 22: Operation timed out
I need clear help here!