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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2007
...a new scanner. I've been wanting the Epson V700 for a while now, so I can use the money I had saved for a new iMac to get this scanner. I'll also spend the extra money for Silverfast Ai scanning software. I was going to wait until after I purchased my new iMac, but since Apple repaired the bad logic board in my PB G4 I can continue using my G4 for another 6 months. Note to self: keep laptop cool, invest in one of those cooling pads?? Incidentally it wiped my system clean:eek: and I gratefully:confused: have a fresh start (more grateful to Time Machine than ever before). The angel on the left shoulder says, "almost like a new computer;" the devil on the right shoulder says, "not at all the same - take immediate action and compose scathing:mad: letters to Apple:apple:." (I should point out that the devil is mad b/c he just had surgery last week, and had to give up mouse control to the angel).

I'm really trying to resolve my anger over the lack of new iMacs and Minis. So I will wait about 6 more months or so to get a new iMac. I feel like Veruca Salt, her voice has been trapped inside my head since the keynote last week: "I want it now daddy." So I thought I would start a discussion of things we can do IN THE MEANTIME.

For me: 1) purchase new high end scanner, 2) learn new scanner and software, 3) organize the 20 or so boxes worth of negatives, slides, old photos, documents, and other "historical" crap that I've either inherited or purchased at flea markets, 4) start scanning said crap, 5) refresh my Photoshop CS2 skills on my PB G4, 6) go on hikes, trips, and flea market excursions with camera/change jar in hand, 7) sort through the notebooks of recipes I've collected, tested, and modified, 8) cook and fine tune my temporary food photography basement studio, 9) further refresh Adobe skills with a mind towards upgrading from CS2 to CS4, 10) hope that by this time iMac updates are released and I have saved more money, 11) purchase said iMac.

For those of you waiting for new iMacs and Minis, what will you do during this time? What does your angel say, how will you quiet that devil screaming obscenities about Apple in your ear? I have to focus on hobbies right now in order to stop checking these boards everyday for update rumors. I realize the irony of this statement on a site devoted to rumors! But I like this site, it feels warm and fuzzy like a well worn novelty t-shirt.

:pOompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise you will listen to me
Well I was really hoping for a MWSF release of new iMacs cause I plan on buying one with my income tax money, but I've still got a while till that comes so until then I will probably just be checking MRs to see if they get updated before my tax money comes. So I do wish they were out now so I could finalize my purchase decision, but I can wait for a while. If they aren't out by the time I get my tax money though I really don't know what I'm going to do then it will definitely be decision time as I'm not good at saving my money for too long....but I don't really want to buy another Mac right at the end of the cycle, I did that with my original iMac and my MacBook, got them both right before refreshes. And with Snow Leopard coming out soon you figure the new iMacs should be optimized for it more than the current iMacs.
classes start back tomorrow for me. i won't have the time to rabidly check these boards. there's how i'm dealing with it. in the meantime, i'm just going to keep my money in the bank until the imacs actually do come out. i'm in no rush. i have an obsessive love for shiny new toys, and the current imacs aren't exactly 'new'.
School started again on me week ago, so don't have time to think about new iMac. When new ones come I'll buy one. Meantime I'm playing with my PS3:cool:
an obsessive love for shiny new toys

We are but a product of a mass producing culture. Our minds are formed on the assembly line of television and shiny, colorful magazines. We are constructed from shiny, perfect, artificial red "apples," and we are programmed to through out the bruised, imperfect, discolored fruit. We are fueled by mechanically separated animals parts which are then pressed into shapes and decorated with remnants of artificial cooking methods. Our very way of life is threatened when we don't BUY BUY BUY, hell our government even gives us money and fake money specifically to BUY more.

VIVA the obsession for shiny new Apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
(I want one!)
Bought my scanner and lots of old slides to try out on my new set-up.

The lack of new iMacs will not bring me down...I forge ahead. And then I'll get to compare my set-ups.
I still can't wait for my new iMac, will have to wait til summer at least now. I'm going to be so ready for it!!!
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