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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 5, 2003
Dark Castle
Can someone comment about the differences, if they are noticeale between these current available processors:

I want to buy a MacBook Pro but I'm not sure if the top of the line is really worth the money difference.

15.4" 1.83 Ghz 512MB RAM
2.0 Ghz 512 MB RAM

15.4" 2.0 Ghz
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All things considered, you won't notice a difference with any of those speeds unless you absolutely push the CPU to the max working with your laptop.

Spend the money on RAM (I recommend 1 GB minimum) and maybe HD space. You won't regret it.
Just as a note, the 1.83 model is no longer available in a Macbook Pro. Don't buy one from a retailer, as Apple bumped up the speeds for no additional cost! ...and hopefully fixed some of the problems in the more recent machines.

The speed difference between the 2.0ghz and 2.16ghz models will make little difference unless you are using 100% CPU almost all the time, or if you are a heavy gamer (in which case the 17" MBP gets almost 10fps better in all games). The 2.16ghz model does have 128MB additional VRAM, which is not upgradable in the future, so if you plan on doing lots of 3D work then you might consider the higher-end model.

If you just want a MBP to do daily stuff with minor Pro work, get the 2.0 model and stuff it full of RAM, as JSW said.
and what about the heat?

Many thanks for your comments.

About the heat they generate, do they have a difference?
Which one gets less hot?
I never had any Mac book, how hot they get?

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McGiord said:
Many thanks for your comments.

About the heat they generate, do they have a difference?
Which one gets less hot?
I never had any Mac book, how hot they get?


There won't be a significant difference in heat between the models.
and what about the heat?

do they ever generate heat, especially when in use and charging the battery at the same time!
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