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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 24, 2004
Northants, UK
Does anyone know how much Core Duo CPU's and MB's will be when there eventually released?

When dearly love a new Mac but the Mini is too "Closed" and the Intel Powermac will be too expensive.

Quite fancy the Dual Core 2Ghz model - beats my 2Ghz XP machine hands down.
combatcolin said:
Does anyone know how much Core Duo CPU's and MB's will be when there eventually released?

When dearly love a new Mac but the Mini is too "Closed" and the Intel Powermac will be too expensive.

Quite fancy the Dual Core 2Ghz model - beats my 2Ghz XP machine hands down.

I don't think you can install OS X on a non-Apple computer, home-brew or otherwise.
Scan, in the UK, have some for sale. That URL is only good till sometime on Monday (as their offers will change then).

Pricing is:

Intel Core Solo T1300 Socket479, Yonah, 1.66GHz, 2MBCache, FSB667 Retail £130.41
Intel Core Duo T2500 Socket479, Yonah, 2.0GHz, 2MBCache, FSB667 Retail £191.23
Intel Core Duo T2600 Socket479, Yonah, 2.16GHz, 2MBCache, FSB667 Retail £414.7

Inclusive of UK sales tax (17.5%). Add MotherBoard, RAM, Video card, case...
Scan don't seem to have any suitable MBs which is a bit strange to say the least.

You can pre-order Core2Duo (Conroe) from overclockers.

Kustom PCs have a Socket 479 MB available but it too has a bit of a "how much" price!

I'd say you'll be looking £400 for CPU & MB which is a bit to much to be worth it...
hhmm, the Mini is beginning to look the better buy, as the price is now £520.

Just a shame the upgrade path is so very, very limited.

Hopefully the new Mini should be out by September/October time with a better GPU - then i might be tempted.

Or of course if Apple release a comsumer tower that the rest of us can afford.
The new MB's that support the Dual Core chips are being released towards the end of the month, with the new X3000 integrated GPU, not amazing but a step in the right direction.

Think i'll wait till then.

(The eternal wating game;) )
combatcolin said:
The new MB's that support the Dual Core chips are being released towards the end of the month, with the new X3000 integrated GPU, not amazing but a step in the right direction.

Think i'll wait till then.

combatcolin said:
The new PC Dual Core Motherboards, not anything Apple related until the Mini is updated with the same spec board.

Ohhh ok... I thought MB meant Mac Book :eek:
i have a T2500 core duo 2ghz (yonah not merom) for sale..
£150 less postage..

pm me..
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