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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 17, 2006
Hi everybody I just bought a Intel I Mac core duo, the system is scheduled to arrive this coming Monday, I was excited about getting a Mac but now I'm not sure.

Ive been hearing a lot of bad rumors about Apples new I Mac Intel core duos not being all they are hyped up to be, is this true ? I hope not, because I just bought one brand new from Apples website. I never used a Mac before, been using Slackware for almost a year, I got bored with Linux and decided to see what it would be like to use a Mac. I hope I didn't make a Mistake purchasing the core duo. Any feed back on the Intel core duo would be much appreciated. Also do Macs work with 2wire home portals ?

Here are the specs

AppleCare Protection Plan for iMac - Auto-enroll
iMac 20-inch 2GHz Intel Core Duo
ATI Radeon X1600/256MB VRAM
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
500GB Serial ATA drive
SuperDrive 8x (DVD+R DL/DVD+RW/CD-RW)
iWork '06 preinstalled
Wireless Keyboard & Mouse + Mac OS X - U.S. English
Accessory kit
Recycling Fee* Estimated Total: $2,919.83
you'll love Mac OS X and your iMac. You didn't make a mistake, especially when compard to windows.
You should really go try a Mac in a store if you are unsure about it.
You did not make a mistake at all! If you plan on using mostly Safari (web browser), iChat, and iLife 06 then you will be very very impressed with the performance. Even many games are going universal binary already (such as WoW). If you use Adobe's CS2 Creative Suite then you will notice some slowdowns but if you beef up your ram it will not be too bad. Come next year when the software gets updated then you will have an amazing computer. I'm probably going to stick it out with a simple portable such as the iBook for the Powerbook 12" for awhile and then make the move to Intel in 6 months to a year as well. Be proud of your purchase and welcome to the easier side of computing! :)

EDIT: Just saw you put 2GB of ram into the system. You will not be disappointed with the performance with that kind of RAM. Good job!
yeah that system is pimped out.....its a great computer, i've had the opportunity to play with it, and mine is estimated to be delivered on Tuesday by the FedEx tracking website, if that tells you anything on my review of it. You must of been willing to wait to get that 500 GB HD installed.

BTW, in response to your question about 2wire, i dont see why they wouldn't. Macs share the same networking protocols and fundamentals of any PC.

And I have to say if I was gonna spend that much on an iMac, I would of rather gone with the MacBook Pro.
Damn, you made a big mistake. I'd just cut your losses and get rid of it. I'll be happy to take it off your hands if you want - for free of course.....:D

Mate, that's a bloody top computer. I want one big time!!!
XFce said:
Hi everybody I just bought a Intel I Mac core duo, the system is scheduled to arrive this coming Monday, I was excited about getting a Mac but now I'm not sure.

So you are asking on an Apple forum if "Macs are good". Not much question that you will get some biased answrs here. The guys on the Windows XP forum will give a different answer I'm sure.

I come from a Linux/UNIX background too. I've not used MS WIndows in many years.

You say you "got bored with Linux" Why? I'll bet you had no real use for Linux. As good as Mac OSX is you will be bored with it too if you have no use for it/ The Mac is great for people who like to create digital content be it movies, photos, mustic or web pages or printed graphics. Linux is ideal for software developers and people running services like web servers, ftp, email and the like. Of cource there is some overlap.

So.... before anyone can make an informed comment on wetter the iMac is ideal for you we would need to know what you plan to do with the iMac. I'll tell yu right up front if you are building a multi-tiered web server it's a horable choise for a computer. but if you use a DSLR camera and/or a miniDV and you shoot a lot (a few thousand frams a year) and you want to show off your work then the iMac is perfect. However it is underpowered for professional Video editing.

The good news is that under the hoods Mac OSX and Linus are _very_ much the same. and the iMac will make a great X-servr for you Linux system. (OSX's X11 is the same as shipped with many Linux distros)

About yoou "2wire" question: Mc and Linux networking is nearly identical and some of the software _is_ identical. You have to remember that BSD _invented_ the type of networking everyone uses today. Mac OSX has it's roots at UCB in the 1980's

I'm using a Linux server to run a small web site with a wiki and email servers and to serve files locallly I bought the Mac for the applications: Final Cut Express and iLife. The desktop is nice too.

Computers are like golf clubs. People who play golf like to have them but they are expensive and usless to anyone else.
Thanks for the replies,

I hate Microsoft, and Dell computers with a bloody passion that is the reason why I decided to make the switch. Ive heard a lot of good things about Macs but until recently I had no idea that Apple switched from IBM to Intel. In a way I think Apple is kissing up to MS as well as windows users by making programs like Rosetta that slow down system performance just so PC users can use all of their favorite MS programs. If people want to use M$ word, Adobe, and so on they should stay with Microsoft.

However I do believe that Apple made a wise business decision, switching to Intel chips because every day people learn the truth about MS, all their bugs, worms, and defects. Adding Rosetta with I Mac core duos is a good way to get more PC users to switch from Pcs to Macs. I'll be happy as long as Apple dose not copy cat MS and make me feel like I'm using window apps, MS word, Adobe, Firefox, I want to be a Macker 100 percent. Just thinking about Microsoft windows makes my blood boil. I can't even stand looking a the Intel Logo because Intel reminds me of Microsoft.
XFce - Please read this whole post.

XFce said:
Thanks for the replies,

I hate Microsoft, and Dell computers with a bloody passion that is the reason why I decided to make the switch. Ive heard a lot of good things about Macs but until recently I had no idea that Apple switched from IBM to Intel. In a way I think Apple is kissing up to MS as well as windows users by making programs like Rosetta that slow down system performance just so PC users can use all of their favorite MS programs. If people want to use M$ word, Adobe, and so on they should stay with Microsoft.

However I do believe that Apple made a wise business decision, switching to Intel chips because every day people learn the truth about MS, all their bugs, worms, and defects. Adding Rosetta with I Mac core duos is a good way to get more PC users to switch from Pcs to Macs. I'll be happy as long as Apple dose not copy cat MS and make me feel like I'm using window apps, MS word, Adobe, Firefox, I want to be a Macker 100 percent. Just thinking about Microsoft windows makes my blood boil. I can't even stand looking a the Intel Logo because Intel reminds me of Microsoft.

I think you're a bit confused. Apple doesn't use Rosetta so that people can run PC applications. Rosetta is an emulation layer that allows programs compiled for the PowerPC processor to run on Intel processors. It can't run Windows applications.

It is an interim solution until all the developers have compiled their apps as universal binaries. Universal means they can run on PPC and Intel processors, not that they can run on Mac and Windows. Apple did not buy/purchase Rosetta's technology to get switchers from Windows, it did it so that we can still run all the applications we need.

Adobe and the Mac have a strong history together, as do Microsoft. All of Adobe's apps were originally written for the Mac. Currently however, Adobe's applications are compiled on the Mac only for the PowerPC processor so Rosetta is needed to translate the code and allow it to run. Adobe are not the enemy, their programs are superb and powerful they just need to hurry up and release an Intel native version of the program.

Same with Microsoft. Office:mac is arguably a better version of office than they make for Windows. I use it and it is a great, albeit bloated, software package. Office:mac is compiled only for the PowerPC processor and as such requires Rosetta translation to run on Intel-powered Macs.

Rosetta is a good thing but it won't hang around forever. It allows people to still run the programs they need (by Adobe, Microsoft, what have you got against FireFox?) on their new computers so as they don't lose too much productivity whilst the developers port their software to a Universal Binary able to run on PPC and Intel powered Macs.

You really should check out what Rosetta actually is. It does not allow you to run Windows apps, it allows you to run Mac apps on a different processor. The speed hit occurs because Rosetta needs to translate the instructions received by the program from PowerPC language to one compatible with Intel processors.

The Intel switch was not designed to kiss-up to MS, MS and Intel are not one and the same, they are separate companies. The only reason most people think of them together is because waaay back when, Apple chose the Motorola 68k chip and MS chose the 8088 chip from Intel to compile their operating systems on. Intel have been trying to woo Apple from the very beginning.

It's a good move, designed to give Mac users the boost in power and to ensure good supply levels that were sorely lacking when they were getting their chips from Moto/IBM. Those guys make billions in big-iron server chips and embedded processors, Apple were their only PC customer and compared with their main business, well, "small fish" is a massive understatement when applied to Apple's position as a consumer of PPC chips.

I think you need to sit down and have a bit of a breather, there's some mis-guided fanaticism creeping into your post and being a Mac zealot is something not really becoming of a mature Mac user. Adobe and MS help keep the Mac platform afloat. Without the presence of Office (which was originally a Mac app - well at least Excel was) the Mac would most likely have died back in the early 90's. Without Adobe's software (also ported to Windows from the Mac) the same fate would most likely have occurred. And as for FireFox? It's a great browser, as is Camino.

Sorry about the long post but somebody really needed to correct your somewhat mis-guided statements.
windows isn't all that bad. it makes MY blood boil for people who 100% love mac or 100% love windows. They are good for different people. One OS isn't necessarily better. But if you LIKE the OS more, then you will think it is better. But there are zillions more Windows users than Mac, so they don't just hate the OS. It's like that for a reason.

OS X is great. The gui is outstanding compared to Windows. But Windows has things that OS X doesn't and OS X has things that Windows doesn't. The Mac zealots or hardcore Windows people are what annoys me.

I switched to the Mac around September, but I did not like it as much as I thought. Sure it's great and all, but for someone like me who loves PVRs on their pc, the Macs offerings just aren't as good as Windows. But I'd much rather do video editing on a Mac. So the tradeoffs are there.

My point is, stop bashing Windows all the time. Love your Mac!! But windows gets too bad of a rap within the Mac community
dwd3885 said:
My point is, stop bashing Windows all the time. Love your Mac!! But windows gets too bad of a rap within the Mac community

This is pretty true. I have a couple PCs, and they aren't that bad. Still, they annoy me a bit. Installing applications for example is a real pain. I was updating itunes on PC yesterday, and it was such a hassle.

Nevertheless, you're right Windows XP is very stable and just overall not that bad. Still, I live on my Macs. :)
i think half the issue is that mac users forget how to use windows, i take so much longer on windows than mac now because i cant find my way around, even moving files is hard, no dragging.

they are different and both have strengths and weaknesses, microsofts main ones are viruses and badly written applications, both probably due to it being the most popular os.
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