A few months ago my iMac started clicking on boot-up. I instantly thought HDD and I was right. I bought a new HD and that didnt work. I also bought a new SATA cable and that didnt work either. This leads me to believe it is the SATA connection on the logic board that is fried. Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this? Also, if its to costly to fix the connection, has anyone booted OSX from firewire/USB exclusively? I know I can just get a SATA drive dock and connect my HDD via firewire and boot it that way, but does it run ridiculously slow? Is it even worth it?
So I guess my main questions are:
Any help would be appreciated!
So I guess my main questions are:
- Has anyone booted from USB/Firewire?
- Is it worth it or does it run too slow to do anything of worth?
- If so, should I just sell the iMac for parts?
Any help would be appreciated!