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imac abuser

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
Has anyone had problems with pop ups? I went to and I was working on myspace at the same time, and all the sudden started getting pop ups all over the place, and i would type and then bam start getting hit again. I did notice after I deleted the link to fulltilt that it stopped. I have had 4 macs in a row now, and not had this once. Anyone else have issues with spyware/pop ups?

Is this while running in OS X or Windows? What browser? Having an Intel processor should not itself have any impact on whether you get pop-ups....

I occasionally get pop-unders that Safari for some reason allows to open and then closes after the fact. But they don't seem to be much of a nuisance, since they pop up in the background, all their content gets suppressed, and then they go away.

Have you tried using Adblock (if Firefox) or PithHelmet (Safari) or FloppyMoose (either)?
CanadaRAM said:
You know that website popups are driven by the website you visited, and are not spyware per se, or anything infecting your machine, right?

On Windows I don't think this is completely true... I'm pretty sure that's what Windows users mean by "adware" -- ActiveX applets that install themselves and cause more pop-ups that are only loosely dependent on what sites you navigate to.

But on OS X, definitely correct.

To the OP: again, try PithHelmet. Safari is good at blocking ads popups that are driven by Javascript but not as good with ones that are embedded in Flash applets (a more recent technique) and maybe some other techniques. If you block the ad elements the pop-ups should go away.

Of course, I'd also stay away from internet gambling if I were you... but... le sigh.
Indeed. On the Mac currently, pop ups do not equal any kind of "infection", regardless of whether it's Intel based or not.

But, if you want to be paranoid, go download ClamXav (, a free and reasonably solid virus checker that runs on OSX. Give your drive a scan, and nothiing should come up (though even if something DID, it would almost certainly be a Windows-only virus that you were emailed and that poses no threat to you anyway).
ITASOR said:
Then try ignoring them, it works great.

As it happens, I did exactly this on two days. The day I first installed Firefox a Windows PC, and the day I received my iBook. Oddly, on those same two days, the number of pop-ups and ads and other nuisances I saw diminished greatly. Now clearly, there could be many explanations. But equally clearly, the most likely of them is that I indeed have bizarre supernatural powers of influence. :)
mkrishnan said:
the most likely of them is that I indeed have bizarre supernatural powers of influence. :)
...then would you mind sending two bikini clad super models over to my place :) .

To the OP: your Mac is fine, just use one of the suggested pop up blockers to avoid those annoying ads.
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