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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota

Soooo.... here we go again. This will make Intel be on the 14nm process for what? 8 years?

I can really see AMD taking advantage and being a leader again with these setbacks from Intel. I think AMD is a better option for most consumers when it comes to desktops, but with laptops they always seem to be behind. Zen2 sounds very promising.

This is also another reason why Apple will go with their own chips. This is the same story as PowerPC - they are a slave to whatever Intel does, and that can't be a good feeling. Just my opinion, but I think there is some truth to the rumor that Apple designed the current MacBook Pro's thermal capability based off of Intel's promises and roadmaps a few years ago, and when that fell through a lot of the thermal problems occured. No real excuse, but an explanation.
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Reactions: radiologyman


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota


  • aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS82LzIvODM0ODQyL29yaWdpbmFsLzE5MDQyNF9yb2FkbWFwc2lwcC5wbmc=.png
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Sep 10, 2009
I'm not sure how reliable it is, but the facts are that Intel will be using a hybrid chiplet layout for an upcoming mobile processor they demo video'd back in January. Intel's in a mess right now but they could ride it out until 2022-2023. Intel will likely stick with a monolithic design for a long time until Keller's new architecture goes live for them. Hybrid chiplet and stacking work in a mobile processor but they don't for a desktop, especially in the upper consumer and HEDT sphere.

Large strides in performance slowed down considerably beginning with Haswell.
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