Currently I have Intelliscreen installed but with only the Calendar options displaying on my lockscreen. Now because I don't have a data plan, none of the other features (mail, sports, news etc.) would update without be being connected to wi-fi.
Now I've heard the main gripe with Intelliscreen is its battery consumption and mine currently is pretty decent but I'm wondering if Intelliscreen would consume more battery if I threw on the news feature onto Intelliscreen's second page for when I do connect to wi-fi? Like would the news feature somehow drain the battery by constantly looking for a connection to update with or would it not make a difference? Same with sports?
Now I've heard the main gripe with Intelliscreen is its battery consumption and mine currently is pretty decent but I'm wondering if Intelliscreen would consume more battery if I threw on the news feature onto Intelliscreen's second page for when I do connect to wi-fi? Like would the news feature somehow drain the battery by constantly looking for a connection to update with or would it not make a difference? Same with sports?