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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 8, 2006
I've installed last version of Intelliscreen on my iPhone 3G 2.1 jailbreaked.
I like it, but, unfortunately, it often lock for some time the unlock slide !
When click on power button to wake up the iPhone from standby i've to wait some seconds (10 or more) to make the slide work.
Anyone with this experience ?
Perhaps can be some other program that cause the conflict ...
I also have Intelliscreen, but have never had that problem. May try un-installing and re-installing it?
Mine does that too, albeit only for 3 seconds or so. It's still annoying though.
For some reason the Intelliscreen won't show up after long hours of not using the phone. Kind of buggy if you ask me, and it requires a paid license? Not gonna happen. :cool:
Yeah, I wish I wouldn't have paid for this one. It is WAY too buggy, it lags the phone big time, and customer service is absolutely non-existant.

I had the lock screen problem last week, but once I installed the update it hasn't done it since.
i've to update that. :rolleyes:
after remove intelliscreen, iPhone reset, reinstall last version avaible all works like a charm ... until now ...:cool:
I tried Intelliscreen, and I experienced exactly what you're describing, in addition to system-wide lag.

I deleted it and haven't looked back. For a commercial app, it leaves a lot to be desired.
Are there any alternatives that will display a preview of the next 'n' appointments (and preferably not just on the lock screen, but as a standalone app)?
I'm actually trialing it right now (v 2.27). I gave it a spin several months ago and it was just too buggy. The latest version is a lot better. Battery life hasn't taken a noticeable hit at all and many of the previous bugs are gone. It certainly isn't perfect, but it does some things I really need.

Since my corporate policy requires a 6 digit passcode if you use ActiveSync it is super sweet to be able to read my email and view my calendar with ease. I'm a heavy business user and I'm constantly going to from meeting to meeting or jumping on conference calls. Having something like Intelliscreen makes a major league difference.

Haven't decided to pull the string on it yet, but I'm awful close based on this trial experience. Wish I had options, but it's the only game in town that gives me the ability to view my email and view my calendar from the lock screen. (The news, weather, etc. are waaaay more than I want so I don't use any of that)
I'm actually trialing it right now (v 2.27). I gave it a spin several months ago and it was just too buggy. The latest version is a lot better. Battery life hasn't taken a noticeable hit at all and many of the previous bugs are gone. It certainly isn't perfect, but it does some things I really need.

Since my corporate policy requires a 6 digit passcode if you use ActiveSync it is super sweet to be able to read my email and view my calendar with ease. I'm a heavy business user and I'm constantly going to from meeting to meeting or jumping on conference calls. Having something like Intelliscreen makes a major league difference.

Haven't decided to pull the string on it yet, but I'm awful close based on this trial experience. Wish I had options, but it's the only game in town that gives me the ability to view my email and view my calendar from the lock screen. (The news, weather, etc. are waaaay more than I want so I don't use any of that)

That is exactly why I pulled the trigger and paid for it--but damn--zero customer service with all of these bugs is kind of ticking me off.
No more problem.

As said, after the day i've started this thread, i've had some heavy days usage and i can surely confirm that intelliscreen does his job very well (no more screen lock up).
I've buyed it and i've no regret at all.
I've to complain only the totally lack of support ...
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