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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 13, 2008
I'm looking for opinions on Intelliscreen, specifically the latest build - 2.93. Just jailbroke my 3GS recently and I'm seeking to improve the functionality of my phone without introducing major issues with stability, memory, or battery life. I have a 3GS so I expect to have less issues than 3G owners. I really like the idea of IntelliScreen, and I hope I can keep using it. I've been running the trial for couple days, and overall it's working fine with few glitches, but I am starting to notice battery drain issues and a slowly degrading amount of free memory. Need to observe a few more days to see how severe this is, whether Intelliscreen is actually the cause, etc. I've seen a lot of negative opinions here and elsewhere about this app and it's stability issues, but these comments are all on older versions of the software.

So my questions are:

Is the current version of Intelliscreen reasonably stable and safe?

Anyone completely happy with it?

Has anyone run battery tests on the latest version?

Anyone notice significant memory/stability issues with vers 2.93 and are there any tweaks to minimize this (ie. turn off certain settings, etc.)?

If you aren't afraid of doing a little manual configuration, LockInfo is a nice free (and very configurable) alternative... I have been using it for a couple weeks now and I love it.

There are a few threads about it in this forum.

I have heard IntelliScreen still has problems....
I've had both.

I went with Lockscreen info. It's not really that hard to configure once you 'get' it.

The biggest advantage I notice about intelliscreen is that you can preview mail in lockscreen which lockinfo will only show a small portion of the mail. It's a wash though, lockscreeninfo doesn't cause a drain in battery and is not as memory dependent as intelliscreen.

Intelliscreen can be managed through settings directly on your phone while lockscreen info requires you to SSH. (some aren't comfortable doing that, I wasn't at first).

I decided to go with lockscreeninfo.
I've been running Intelliscreen since I first jailbroke my phone under 2.2 and I am running it now under 3.0 on my 3G. It runs fine. I have not 'heard' it runs fine, I know it runs fine.
Intelliscreen can be managed through settings directly on your phone while lockscreen info requires you to SSH. (some aren't comfortable doing that, I wasn't at first).

I decided to go with lockscreeninfo.

It can actually be managed though settings now too :) The MatteUI theme atleast
Well I may have to try lockinfo. Decided to remove intelliscreen today after I noticed it had disabled cut and paste functionality in email. I hope the developer fixes this because it's a slick program in many ways.
I have intelliscreen running 3.0 and love it, have never had any problems. To me is the single biggest reason to jailbreak my phone. I love being able to see what's on my calendar whenever I turn on my phone, and what emails and texts I have. It will even tell me scores of sport games.
Plus, one of the previous people here wrote that it disables copy/paste on emails. That was fixed weeks ago, and it copys/pastes fine.
Decided to remove intelliscreen today after I noticed it had disabled cut and paste functionality in email. I hope the developer fixes this because it's a slick program in many ways.

Try using a current release. :rolleyes: If, in fact, you tried it at all.
Try using a current release. :rolleyes: If, in fact, you tried it at all.

Try reading my first post before you bash.

As I said in that post, I just installed the trial last week. So, obviously, it's the current release. I used it every day until last night, when I gave up and uninstalled it. I know what I'm doing, trust me. I'm no amateur when it comes to gadgets, especially smartphones.

It almost works fine for me. But it hoses my email cut and paste. I tried several resets, and other fixes, but nothing worked. So it's close, but no banana. Maybe the next release will be worth another try, but I'm not purchasing a $10 license until I know it will work.

If you want to offer suggestions, rather than criticism, feel free to chime in.
Ok wait, I looked around and am seeing references to a 2.94 version that fixes the copy/paste issue. But I can't find this version to install. Cydia is still showing 2.93 as current. Suggestions?
Nevermind... I figured it out. Use the Rock store not Cydia. Can they make this more confusing? They should take 2.93 off Cydia if that's not the current version or place to get it anymore.

I'm giving it another go. I really like having these added features, but phone stability is critical to me.
Ive been using Intelliscreen for about 6 months now and I cant live without it. I rely on being able to see my upcoming appointments for the entire week without having to open my calendar. Im not sure about Lockinfo, but Intelliscreen also has the little status bar icons already installed that I love, so I dont have to install a second app (status notifier).

I have never had any problems with Intelliscreen whatsoever. I rarely use copy and paste so I dont know if there is or was a problem with that, but Intelliscreen works great for me and also one of the top reasons that I jailbroke.
Nevermind... I figured it out. Use the Rock store not Cydia. Can they make this more confusing? They should take 2.93 off Cydia if that's not the current version or place to get it anymore.

I'm giving it another go. I really like having these added features, but phone stability is critical to me.

Good. Glad you got it figured out. Be sure to let us know how it goes for you.
...while lockscreen info requires you to SSH. (some aren't comfortable doing that, I wasn't at first).

Not to mention how inconvenient ssh is when compared to just changing settings within the app.
Good. Glad you got it figured out. Be sure to let us know how it goes for you.

Eh, I'm tempted to take it off again and go around complaining about it, just to spite MikePA. He's a little smug for my tastes. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, it's fine so far. As long as cut and paste hangs in there, and the phone stays stable and fast, I'll keep using it, and I'll buy my license in 4 days when the trial expires.

There is a bunch of talk on the net (here and elsewhere) about how this app bypasses Mobilsubstrate safeguards, can cause major issues, etc. I'm sure much of that has been worked out through updates, and having a 3GS makes a big difference, but it does still make me nervous. But I'll give it an honest go. It adds functionality that no other app does.

I'm a new jailbreaker. I'm trying to ease into this.
If you aren't afraid of doing a little manual configuration, LockInfo is a nice free (and very configurable) alternative... I have been using it for a couple weeks now and I love it.

There are a few threads about it in this forum.

I have heard IntelliScreen still has problems....

Yeah, because I have to change the configuration all the time... ? :confused:

Oh wait, I don't. I haven't touched it since I set it up weeks ago.

Thanks for proving my point and try reading my post. I never mentioned how many times you had to ssh into your phone. And don't be so insecure in your choice of Lockinfo.
Spreading false claims are for propeller heads, actually.

Lock info can be downloaded through cydia along with the MatteUI theme and managed by settings. No SSH required.

Posted via iPhone

The inability to read posts is running rampant. I'll type slowly so you can keep up. I didn't say Lockinfo required ssh, someone else did and I commented on it. Having to use ssh ranks right up their on the propeller head scale as the need to tell everyone you post via iPhone.:rolleyes:
I've been using it since 3.0 came out and i've had no problems...the biggest plus for me with intelliscreen, that to the best of my knowledge no other app does, is if i miss a call or a text message, intelliscreen will give me sound reminders every so mins to let me know i missed a call....i tend to be in a louder enviroment at work, so i miss calls alot...i can't live without that feature :D
If you aren't afraid of doing a little manual configuration, LockInfo is a nice free (and very configurable) alternative... I have been using it for a couple weeks now and I love it.
I second this recommendation.

Eh, I'm tempted to take it off again and go around complaining about it, just to spite MikePA. He's a little smug for my tastes. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, it's fine so far. As long as cut and paste hangs in there, and the phone stays stable and fast, I'll keep using it, and I'll buy my license in 4 days when the trial expires.

There is a bunch of talk on the net (here and elsewhere) about how this app bypasses Mobilsubstrate safeguards, can cause major issues, etc. I'm sure much of that has been worked out through updates, and having a 3GS makes a big difference, but it does still make me nervous. But I'll give it an honest go. It adds functionality that no other app does.

I'm a new jailbreaker. I'm trying to ease into this.
I was a former IntelliScreen user until they started requiring the Rock Your Phone software. I was able to live with the modifications it made to MobileSubstrate but requiring an additional software just to manage the licenses is a little too much. I don't think the issues between IntelliScreen and other apps that use mobilesubstrate properly have entirely been worked out yet. In a post made in Sept 08, Saurik outlines the problems of intelliscreen.

From another thread:
You guys can keep recommending Intelliscreen if you want, but saurik's stance (and a lot of other people's, for that matter) on Intelliscreen still hasn't changed. LockScreen Info + a theme is far, far less resource intensive than Intelliscreen. It also won't kill your battery like Intelliscreen.

When the creator of MobileSubtrate, from which many, many apps run off of, including Intelliscreen, speaks, people should really listen. Head to ModMyI forums and check out the Intelliscreen forum..half the threads are people having issues with it.

I switched over from IntelliScreen to Lock Screen Info. Granted, I did lose a couple features that were pretty nice to have, I think the trade off was worth it.

IMO, Lock Screen Info is starting to become more and more an IntelliScreen replacement. Plugins are nice and the community is writing plugins for a variety of different things.

In summary, if I had to list 3 things that made me switch from IntelliScreen over to Lock Screen Info (not in order of importance) it would be:
-Requiring Rock Your Phone
-Saurik's stance
-Problems with other apps that I had

My recommendation? Save your money and try Lock Screen Info out first. See if it fits your needs.
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