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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
i have seen screen shots of peoples unlock screens, where there is info like a missed call or a new text message. i have a jb 3g running 2.2.1. looking to maybe get intelliscreen, just had a couple of questions, like:
you have to pay for intelliscreen, right? i don't have a credit card or paypal account just wondering how one would go about paying for an app like intelliscreen from cydia? also what happens if like say i update my phone to 3.0 when it comes out and then rejailbreak it? i thought i read that the intelliscreen people would give me a code when i purchase it and i would have to enter this code when i go to install intelliscreen, i don't know if that same code would work after an update? Are there other apps that provide info on the unlock screen, i think i have heard of a couple?
I looked for lockinfo matteui in cydia but couldn't find anything do I need to add a source?
I looked for lockinfo matteui in cydia but couldn't find anything do I need to add a source?

They're not in cydia, the two links that were posted have most of the information you need

The only other thing you need to know is the basics of SSHing

Do you know the basics of SSHing?

Posted Via iPhone
i have been looking into intelliscreen and think i want to go with that. i think i am going to wait for 3.0 to come out and then buy it.
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