The only difference I am interested in is the fluidity and smoothness of the GUI animations.
I absolutely hate the glitchy and laggy interface of my 5K iMac (Radeon Pro 580 8 GB, 64 GB, 4.2 GHz i7, 2 TB SSD) when starting applications, using menus, moving windows, etc. (I wish I could just turn ALL the animations entirely off, especially in Photos.)
I would also welcome any improvement I can get in both the Lightroom interface, and previewing and performing operations on .dng files.
I don't know enough about how these activities use resources (CPU vs. GPU and single-threaded vs. multithreaded) to understand if I will see any benefit from more CPU or GPU cores, or the increased bandwidth of the Max.
The order I have placed is for Max/10/24/32GB, but wondering if perhaps I should downgrade to Pro/8/14/32GB and save some money, which I would only do if this is expected be exactly the same experience for these specific tasks. Any thoughts?