I have a 5,1 (original owner) that has been running fine for a long period of time. Most recent change was the addition of RocketU 1344D about 3 months ago. Recently it would boot intermittently, started maybe every other boot, reset with the power button, over time it became worse and then did not boot. Started by replacing the graphics card with the original ATI 5770, same result. Noticed outmp cpu a/b both flashed when the power cord was connected and removed. Diag button pressed show 5v stby amber. Power on, all fans running, diag button pressed showed 5v stby amber, psu pwrok green, sys pg green, no efi done. I removed everything but the gpu and a hhd with high sierra, boots. Ran AHD it passes. Added the pci cards one at a time, boots after each addition. Replaced the gpu with the RX580, boots. Cycled through 20 shutdown and reboots, all worked. Just what I need an intermittent boot problem. I plan on booting it a few time a day to see if it finally breaks something. Any words of wisdom?