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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 15, 2007
North Carolina
I desperately need to know if there is another browser out there besides Firefox and Safari. I have used Camino AND Opera.

Here are my issues.

First off, I use a Mac Mini... whatever that's worth.

SAFARI: It crashes ALL THE TIME. Why? I don't know. I've done some research and found that it does the same to other mac users. They say it's just a bug in the java script or something crazy like that ,but it annoys me. Not to mention it is extremely primitive with no nice upgrades to it.

FIREFOX: It is SO SLOW! When it's open, all my other programs tend to lag. WHY IS THIS?! The one thing I do love about Firefox is, when it crashes (which is also often), it reboots to the last spot. Safari lacks that, and I wish it didn't.

I have also used,
CAMINO : Camino as you all know, is a mozilla browser made specifically for Mac. I was told it would run better that firefox since it was designed for the mac OS, but it was SO SLOW. Yeah, it looked nice, but I couldn't bare it's snail-pace.

OPERA: I l-o-v-e-d Opera. But there was one problem. When I installed it, my whole computer got buggy. I don't know why, but as soon as I deleted the program, Beef (the mini) started running right back to his normal pace.

Does anyone know a way to fix safari, or a better browser?

Seriously, guys. This has got to stop.
Are you sure there isn't an issue with your setup? I mean none of these browsers are giving you any performance?

I have no problems with Safari or the others mentioned.

I have to think if all of them are underperforming the problem is in your system and not with the browsers since there are others without these issues.

As far as the interface or features, what features are lacking?

Woof, Woof - Dawg

I was about to reply to this, and out of nowhere, NO BEACH BALL WARNING, it just quit.

What the heck?
I'm not sure if it's my system. I don't see why. The only thing on my computer is music and pictures, really. Hardly any extra applications are downloaded.
However, if Safari is defective, we would all be experiencing this... so it must be interacting with your system somehow.

Safari doesn't have different accounts, mad jew meant creating a new account on your Mac and testing Safari under the new account.

Woof, Woof - Dawg
OH. I guess I really am a newbie at this whole mac thing. While I have had previous experience with macs, I only know them skin deep. Truth is, I know virtually nothing about them but how to use them.
Go to System Preferences under your Apple Menu (upper left corner).
Under System Preferences, go to Accounts, to create a new account

Once you create the new account, log out of your current account and log into the new account.

Try running Safari from there...

Then tell mad jew what version your system software is.... and your Safari version and he will help you from there :)

Woof, Woof - Dawg
since when does safari have accounts? :/

Safari doesn't have different accounts, mad jew meant creating a new account on your Mac and testing Safari under the new account.

Got it in one, buddy. :)

Creating a new user account is a very quick way of testing if the problem is contained in your original account's Home folder, or if it is indeed something else. :)
If you're on an Intel machine then 1GB is really the workable minimum. The older PowerPC machines were fine with 512MB for general usage but depending on what you do, you may need more RAM. Create the new user account irrespective of this to ensure it's not simply a software-based corruption in your current Home folder. :)
Yeah, something sounds fishy here. I have no problems with Safari or Firefox on my system. (in my sig) I'm using Safari 3.0.3 and have only had it crash once from what I remember and I've been using it since it came out. (June 11th)

I also occasionally use Firefox and don't have any problems with it crashing, but it does run noticeably slower than Safari and doesn't have that "Mac feel" to it, which is why I rarely use it. I prefer Safari.
You may have better luck if you posted this in the Apple Software section, not hardware.
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