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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2017

I am in desperate need of help
I live in a building where we get our internet throught the buildings own setup.
Its goes through a router, then a switch and then through a cable into our apartment.
I have 2 airport extremes set up with their own cable from the basement switch.
All through the day everything is normally okay and I get an Ip-adress That starts with 10.0.0... The router in the basement has an ip of and thats what it says as long as the internet works.
Then suddenly, mostly at night it switches to 192.168.... and nothing works.
It says its connected but if I go to my airport utility the base internet is orange and my airport bases are green.
The person responsible for the internet says it must be in my set up, but why does it work fine all day then?
If I do nothing, go to bed, in the morning everything will be in working order again.
I am hoping you have some kind of idea what is going on, since they have given up on me and told me its my own problem. I dont know what to do? Please help ❤️ Im sorry if I havent explained it properly. I have tried to the best of my ability.
Just a thought or two:

You might try disconnecting the 2nd AE temporarily, so that you can troubleshoot with only one device.

At night, what happens if you disconnect the AE (from the basement switch), power it down, reconnect it, and power it back up?

Not an expert at networking here.
I can say I'm glad I don't have a building setup like yours (sigh).
Check that both AE are in bridge mode.

Getting a 192.168... address shows that another router than the main router (10.0.0...) is in the network.
(192.168... is not a self assigned address).

This might happen if one AE is in bridge mode, and the other in router mode (with a 192.168... address plan).

Airport Utility / Network....
Here is something else for you to try. This is how I got connected when I tried to use my MPB at my Mum’s house.

By the way, you should try each of the previous suggestions one at a time and after you have checked your connectivity, you should revert your settings back to what they were if the suggestion does not work, before trying the next option.

Method follows:

It sounds like the active router for the building is being switched to something different in the evening. I am not sure why that would happen, it definitely sounds a bit strange.

What should fix this (hopefully), is to add in the different router as another DNS server in the network setup on your Mac.

This is simple to try and it might just fix your problem.

Go to: System Preferences >> Network >> In the left hand side your active connection should be at the top of the list and highlighted and show a green button, I am assuming that this is Wi-Fi. Click the lock to allow changes and then click the Advanced button in the lower right corner. From the menu that appears click on the DNS button.

Click the “+” button in the lower left corner and type in: <enter>, then click the “+” button again and type in: <enter>.

Select the OK button, this will return you to the main network window. Click “Apply” to save your settings and then close the lock to prevent any more changes. Close System Preferences.

This should allow your Mac to pick up the different domain name server when things change over. A restart of your system and Airport Extreme(s) might be a good idea.

A little feedback as to your success or otherwise would be most welcome.
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