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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 16, 2007
internet not working on my 3g. I have the turbo sim. Phone works great but no internet.
I have tmobile and I also so have the internet package on my plan. The people at the the tmobile store are saying it should be working. Does anyone have any advice?
What do you mean "no internet"? That makes no sense.

The WIFI, 3G, Edge? Come on, just saying the internet isn't working is way too general.

Have you tried configuring the settings? If not, then no. Your internet will not work. You need the correct settings for the SIM. Just sticking it in wont help.
What do you mean "no internet"? That makes no sense.

The WIFI, 3G, Edge? Come on, just saying the internet isn't working is way too general.

Have you tried configuring the settings? If not, then no. Your internet will not work. You need the correct settings for the SIM. Just sticking it in wont help.

the Edge network is not working...
Why not contact turbo sim instead?

I mean you paid for the card sim didn't you?

They offer support don't they?
yes what should i put for the apn

There are a few different APNs... T-Mobile should be able to tell you which of them to use. It'll probably be one of the following. No username or password.

EDIT: FWIW, they both work for me. The first one is "supposed" to be used by WAP devices and Blackberries, and non-Blackberry smartphones are "supposed" to use the second one. They seem to provide similar speed and quality to me.
same basic problem

alright, i have the same problem as the guy before me except nothing is working.

i can access my wifi network fine, but as far the edge network goes i've got nothing. i'm using a turbo sim on a t-mobile plan w/ unlimited interen access:

i have the iphone 3G running 2.28.00 firmware. i have my apn set to with nothing filled in the username/pswd. my 3g enabler is off and data roaming is on...

i tried the other apn access code you guys posted up top as well. nothing. i thnk i'm doing somthing small wrong. please advise. im tearin my hair out.
alright, i have the same problem as the guy before me except nothing is working.

Take a look at this and see if it might help?

It looks like there's some goofiness associated with TurboSIM'ing the iPhone 3G -- there's another possible fix further down the thread. FWIW I've never had to do any of this stuff on my EDGE iPhone. Although its SIM did previously live in another T-Mobile phone with data services...
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