sorry if i am in the wrong fourm but redriect me if i am
but my internet dousnt work i have a imac from 05 it still has panther on it i think the one before tiger. the computer reconizs that the internet is pluged in and the internet works for maybe a minute but after that it stops working but the computer says that the cable is pluged in and working. safari acts like the cable isnt pluged in but it is.
what do i do to fix this?
but my internet dousnt work i have a imac from 05 it still has panther on it i think the one before tiger. the computer reconizs that the internet is pluged in and the internet works for maybe a minute but after that it stops working but the computer says that the cable is pluged in and working. safari acts like the cable isnt pluged in but it is.
what do i do to fix this?