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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 11, 2008
I have 35 internet radio stations in one playlist, they sound great. But after a period of time the stations change to the next in list, even though all are listed as continious. Not a huge deal, but would i need to split all the stations into separate playlists to control what i am listening to?

Also, i have downloaded an Australian football game in avi and it looks great in VLC, but when using Visual Hub to convert to ATV i get a QT error message that says "the movie could not be opened. The file is not a movie file." VT forums have not addressed that issue.What do people here use to convert avi to watch on atv?
Beginner appreciative of any help.
It's an iTunes issue I suspect; I listen to internet radio through iTunes on my Macbook Pro at work where the wireless signal is not too strong and it occasionally jumps to the next station in my list.
For the Internet Radio issue, go iTunes > Preferences > Advanced and set 'Streaming Buffer Size' to 'Large'.

As for the video encoding issue, sounds like you need to download and install Perian and Flip4Mac if you haven't done so already...
Thx for the help, when i get home i will change Itune settings.
As for the other issue, i have Flip4Mac, although it may not be the most up to date, i'll check . I will download perian also. Once i have perian installed, is there setting in it i have to do or when i am dragging the .avi file to Virtual Hub, do i have to do anything with perian first or will it automatically detect? \
Thanks for helping a new convert from PC to Mac.... never going back to PC.
I didnt specific on my first post that the internet radio playlist that is changing on its own is a playlist on ATV 2 that was synced from itunes. Would the same advice re:buffering settings still apply or was that meant for an itunes playlist?
I changed the buffering settings to large in itune just in case. Should i delete the playlist in ATV2 and redo the playlist now or leave as is?
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