If any of you have a car with one of those sweet iPod jacks preinstalled, I managed to stream Pandora through my car ('09 Sonata) speakers yesterday. Normally, if I close the "Accessory attached" screen, my car loses connection to the iPhone.
1. You need to have Backgrounder installed first.
2. Plug in the iPhone to your iPod jack. On mine car, it comes up with the white "Accessory attached" screen. Hold down the home button to "Background" the accessory attached screen.
3. Open Pandora or another music application and play it.
4. (Optional) Cancel your XM Radio subsciption
1. You need to have Backgrounder installed first.
2. Plug in the iPhone to your iPod jack. On mine car, it comes up with the white "Accessory attached" screen. Hold down the home button to "Background" the accessory attached screen.
3. Open Pandora or another music application and play it.
4. (Optional) Cancel your XM Radio subsciption