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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 7, 2018
Hi all,
Hope this first post makes sense.

I want to watch TV on my Mac whilst editing/working on it. USB TV cards are hard to find so I found a Tvman streaming device on ebay for £7. This device allows you to stream to any devices connected on the network.

Issue 1/ SOLVED
My Mac does not have enough signal strength to stream the TVman from the router (rubbish TalkTalk router). I have therefore connected the TVman directly to the iMac via ethernet, enabled internet sharing and can now stream using the TVman DVB software as I have a TV connection point next to my desk/iMac.

Issue 2/ Need Help
I have found that using internet sharing stops my iMac from fulling going to sleep, I would therefore like to find a nice neat automatic way of enabling and disabling this either when I launch and close the app or go too and from sleep.

Solution attempt 1: FAIL
I orginally found control plane a program that could apparently do exactly what I needed and enable/disable internet sharing when sleeping/waking but it appears to have lost support and no longer works in high Sierra:

Solution attempt 2: FAIL
I also found Scenarios which doesn't work either

Solution attempt 3: FAIL
I then tried writing a script in Automator that would run when an AppleScript when I opened the app and closed it but could not get this to work (I believe this would be the neatest solution)

Solution attempt 4: Working on
I have found a home-brew application called Sleepwatcher which can run applescripts on sleep and wake:

From the read me I found that I needed to create .sleep/.wakeup scripts which should automatically run scripts once Sleepwatcher was installed following the steps in this article:

and editing my scripts with the following:

tell application "System Preferences"


end tell

tell application "System Events"

tell process "System Preferences"

click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1

delay 2

tell window "Sharing"

click checkbox 1 of row 7 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1

delay 1

end tell

end tell

end tell

tell application "System Preferences"


end tell

tell application "System Events"

tell process "System Preferences"

click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1

delay 2

tell window "Sharing"

click checkbox 1 of row 7 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1

delay 1

if (exists sheet 1) then

if (exists button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1) then

click button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1

delay 1

end if

click button "Start" of sheet 1

end if

end tell

end tell

end tell

But I am still unable to get this to work!

It appears that my scripts are not being ran/having an effect. Has anyone either used Sleepwatcher and got it working or found another solution to this?

Hope that make sense and someone can help, spent hours on this now :eek:
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