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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
Hey guys,

I just wanted to introduce you to a new app of mine that was approved by Apple on Friday. It's called StepTracker and it's a minimalist pedometer app for iPhone 5S. Since it uses the M7 it requires the 5S and will not function properly on older iPhones.

This app displays your step count data which is calculated in the background and stored on the M7 chip. This data is calculated automatically, even if you aren't using the app, so unlike conventional GPS based step counters, it doesn't actually use any of your battery power to calculate your steps. You can think of it like a minimalist FitBit inside of your iPhone which always calculates your motion in the background.

My goal was to release this app as soon as I had my hands on a 5S to test it with, but due to Apple's unusually slow review process, it's just finally available.

I have some cool new features in the works such as a graph which appears when you rotate your phone into landscape orientation (kind of like the stock app), and daily percentages showing active vs. inactive time.

If some of you could download it and let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate it. I'm having fun developing this app and have a lot more planned in the future.

This screenshot is the current App Store version of the app.

This screenshot is the latest development build. A new version has already been submitted to Apple and is awaiting approval.
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If anybody here has downloaded my app and tried it out, could you give me any feedback / comments / suggestions? I'd love to hear them.
I just downloaded your app - looks very clean (minus the iAd). I actually wear a fitbit flex, and the step count for the fitbit and your app are off by about 10% each day. For example, yesterday my fitbit recorded 23,977 while the M7 according to your app recorded 21,690. It's nearly impossible for me to say which is more accurate - the fitbit never leaves my wrist (unless it's charging), but it's probably picking up extra motion just from the fact that it's on my wrist.

All in all, a neat and simple app that I don't mind keeping on my iPhone for the next few days, especially if it's just accessing the M7 and not draining my battery.

Some ideas for the future would include:
- push notifications for reaching certain step thresholds, and implementation of a daily "step goal"
- is it possible to have the red notification bubble live-update to show the number of steps? That would be pretty awesome.
- calculation of distance traveled via inputting stride length
- estimation of calories burned
- social media integration - compete with friends for steps!

Good work!
Introducing StepTracker, my new app using the M7 Motion co-processor in the i...

Thanks so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! All very good points.

I carried my fitbit today too and it also read a bit higher, but I think the fitbit picks up some false steps while driving. The iPhone APIs specifically detect driving (maybe due to the gps?) so I think it does a better job of filtering those car bumps out rather than calling them steps. Here's my comparison today.


Pretty much everything you mention is something I want to implement in this app eventually. I'm just one guy doing this I my spare time though so I am taking it one step at a time. Part of the reason 1.0 is so simple is I wanted to get it out while the iPhone 5S was still hot and add features later. Unfortunately Apples app update review process is very slow right now. I've already submitted the 1.1 update and 1.2 is almost ready to go once 1.1 is here.

1.1 will show percentage of time active vs. Idle indicators and offer a few visual improvements and 1.2 will add a graph view showing your weekly step count if you rotate your phone 90 degrees. Depending on how much work I get done I'd like to possibly add text export as well into 1.2 or 1.3 and then add calories and distance in future editions.

Oh yeah, also 1.2 will also have an in app purchase to remove the iAds for $0.99.

Thanks again for your feedback and feel free to let me know what you think of the new features as they come out!
Just to let you know, 1.1 is "in review" in the app store and 1.2 is ready to submit as soon as 1.1 is approved. I have been waiting about 24 hours in the "in review" stage so far though. :(
I agree that it seems to do a good job of differentiating driving from walking. Better than a FitBit I'd say. Hey by the way it seems like your comparison image is not working, could you re post it?
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