So i used quickpwn on my iphone 3g and it put installer and cyndia on the phone.
but my wifi wasnt connecting
So i restored and rejailbroke
now my phone is not activated and keeps giving me an invalid sim message when i connect to itunes
i would have done it on my macbook pro but its the new one so theres a DFU problem
now ive tried to restore it with stock firmware but it cant activate the phone
ive searched forum but cant find help can someone help me?
is my phone bricked?
help plz!
but my wifi wasnt connecting
So i restored and rejailbroke
now my phone is not activated and keeps giving me an invalid sim message when i connect to itunes
i would have done it on my macbook pro but its the new one so theres a DFU problem
now ive tried to restore it with stock firmware but it cant activate the phone
ive searched forum but cant find help can someone help me?
is my phone bricked?
help plz!