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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 20, 2017
Some weeks ago I downgraded from iOS 11 beta to 10.3.2 (now updated to 10.3.3), and having done that notes, news and the iTunes sync feature are not working at all. Also another thing is that the files app is still there for NO reason (I tested it just for curiosity, I know it shouldn't be there, and it also crashes)

And the battery is even a bigger problem. The main reason for me to downgrade from iOS 11 beta was the battery draining. But now on iOS 10.3.3 adding to my problems the battery is totally out of control. It just fluctuates all day. I charge it (there is no problem in charging) and have 100% and not only gets down fast, sometimes the phone turns itself off completely (even if the battery percentage is still high like 60 or 50), And the black screen with the red low battery appears then I connect it and immediately turns on and has the original battery percentage. It is a nightmare.

Do you have any suggestion guys? I would prefer not to reset to factory settings, because I have some chats on WhatsApp that I want to keep and I am too cheap to buy more iCloud storage.

(oh and the downgrade was made with ipsw through iTunes.)
The same problem i have after update to 10.3.3. I think is a bug that manifest randomly not in all devices.
So I can say with pretty much 80% certainty that both of you downgraded by 'Updating' from iOS 11 to 10.3.3. Your solution is to buy more iCloud storage, completely restore, use an old backup and lose some data, or deal with it.
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In my case i don't "update" from 11 to 10.3.3 , i update from 10.3.1 to 10.3.3 with DFU metod i setup as new.
Next time read all the posts if you want to get in touch
No I didn't downgraded like that either. I installed 10.3.2 restoring from iTunes with a ipsw file and then I naturally upgraded to 10.3.3
[doublepost=1503094598][/doublepost]I think I am going to try to restore now using a iOS 10.3.3 ipsw file maybe it will shake it up a little bit, because the whole OS is glitching
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uh-uh I can't get to recovery mode!!!! Help1 :(((((
It turns on automatically without doing anything! The OS is simply going nuts
OK guys I Already tried to fix it by reinstalling iOS 10.3.3 on recovery mode. I got it installed and unfortunately it is still super buggy and the battery drains like crazy and not only that it no longer displays the name of the carrier (this is not involved to the performance but it is another signal that it is not working properly)... What can I do????? Do you think the only way of fixing it is going to be to do the factory reset????? :(
If I were you, I would upgrade back to latest iOS 11 beta.
If you have an iTunes backup prior iOS 11 beta, you can try to recover from that backup.
Other than that, I am afraid no one can help a lot.
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