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macrumors 68000
Sep 11, 2012
Indy, US
OP, I apologize for the ultra-defensive first few responses. Some users see the words Android and get into attack mode. To your question, no, iOS 10, at least the first beta, does not support telling you how long it will take to charge the device. I agree with you that it would be a nice feature to have.heres hoping they add it before the final release. That being said, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
OP, I apologize for the ultra-defensive first few responses. Some users see the words Android and get into attack mode. To your question, no, iOS 10, at least the first beta, does not support telling you how long it will take to charge the device. I agree with you that it would be a nice feature to have.heres hoping they add it before the final release. That being said, I wouldn't hold my breath.
No attack mode. Simply pointed out that what Android has, as to features such as was mentioned, is meaningless to the question asked to iPhone users re: iOS 10.

Save the accusation for those who are actually guilty of such.
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