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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 3, 2015
Hey guys!

Does anyone have an iPhone 5 or 5c (shouldn't make a difference, right?) and already upgraded it to iOS 10?

My sister and mother are both on an iPhone 5c and I'm not sure yet if I should upgrade them to the most recent iOS release. In the past, I often heard of more or less heavy problems in terms of performance with iOS updates on the "lowest end" model for the respective release (iOS 9 on iPhone 4S, iOS 8 on iPhone 4 etc.). Since the iPhone 5 (and 5c) are the oldest generation to receive this update, I'm a bit concerned that they'll experience similar performance issues and I'd rather let them run a stable iOS 9 than a buggy iOS 10 - especially since there are not many features that my mum and sister actually "need".

Has any of you tested this yet? Are there any performace issues or does iOS 10 run just as fine as iOS 9?

Feedback would be hugely appreciated. THANKS!


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
Well, first of all, iOS 10 is missing some features on iPhone 5, including rich notifications. As a result, Quick Reply is the same old thing, just with some different UI. That's mostly what iOS 10 is for the iPhone 5, and it slows it down a bit. It's still usable though, not horrible speed wise.

Honestly I'd leave them on iOS 9 unless they really want the messaging features. Especially since they don't have Touch ID, they'll probably hate having to press the home button twice to unlock.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 3, 2015
Well, first of all, iOS 10 is missing some features on iPhone 5, including rich notifications. As a result, Quick Reply is the same old thing, just with some different UI. That's mostly what iOS 10 is for the iPhone 5, and it slows it down a bit. It's still usable though, not horrible speed wise.

Honestly I'd leave them on iOS 9 unless they really want the messaging features. Especially since they don't have Touch ID, they'll probably hate having to press the home button twice to unlock.

These are exactly my thoughts. The thing is, the rest of my family is on an iPhone 6 and above and both my Mum and sister have an Apple Watch which I'll upgrade to watchOS 3. It would be great if they could have a consistent experience, especially considering the new features in the messaging app (probably the app both use the most).

I guess I'll wait for some more experiences. Thank you!

That doesn't sound too bad. I've also heard quite positive feedback about iOS 10 on the iPhone 5s so far. I'll wait for some more reviews before I decide on this. I'll definitely provide feedback in this thread should I pull the trigger on the update.


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2014
I went through iOS10 betas with iPhone5 and it felt really great. But it's not my daily used phone, so didn't have chance to test it too much...


macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2010
Performance -wise, it's totally fine. There's not much showdown if any. But feel free to keep them in iOS 9 until app updates require 10.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2013
London, UK
iOS 10 on the iPhone 5 is nowhere near as bad as iOS 9 on iPhone 4S or iOS 8 on iPhone 4. Personally, everything has been amazingly smooth for me, including scrolling, opening/closing/loading apps and etc. The only area where it struggles is scrolling through/interacting with the notifications, possibly with all the blur effects going on. That will likely be ironed out in a future update since a few other newer iPhones seem to struggle with that as well.
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