It looks like Apple will go DNG format for raw files from IOS devices in IOS 10. I guess that beats having one more raw converter to build in any external post processing tools like Lr, CiP,....etc.
Core Image
The Core Image framework (CoreImage.framework) includes several enhancements.
RAW image file support is now available on iOS devices that use the A8 or A9 CPU. Core Image can decode RAW images produced by several third-party cameras as well as images produced by the iSight camera of supported iOS devices (to learn more, see
AVFoundation). To process RAW images, use
ptions: or
ptions: to create a
CIFilter object, adjust RAW processing options with the keys listed in RAW Image Options, and read the processed image from the filter’s
outputImage property.
You can now insert custom processing into a Core Image filter graph by using the
rocessor: method. This method adds a callback block that Core Image invokes in between filters when processing an image for display or output; in the block, you can access the pixel buffers or Metal textures containing the current state of the processed image and apply your own image processing algorithms.
When using a custom processor block or writing filter kernels, you can process images in a color space other than the Core Image context’s working color space. Use the
imageByColorMatchingWorkingSpaceToColorSpace: and
imageByColorMatchingColorSpaceToWorkingSpace: methods to convert into and out of your color space before and after processing.
Performance is significantly improved for rendering
UIImage objects that are backed by Core Image images (such as those created by using the
initWithCIImage: initializer) in a
UIImageView object. In addition, a Core Image–backed UIImage object that’s tagged with a wide-gamut color profile renders in a UIImageView object that uses wide-gamut color (on capable iOS devices).
Core Image kernel code can now request a specific output pixel format.
Core Image introduces five new filters:
- CINinePartTiled
- CINinePartStretched
- CIHueSaturationValueGradient
- CIEdgePreserveUpsampleFilter
- CIClamp
AVCapturePhotoOutput is a concrete subclass of
AVCaptureOutput that provides a modern interface for most capture workflows related to still photography. In addition to basic capture of still images, a photo output supports RAW-format capture, bracketed capture of multiple images, Live Photos, and wide-gamut color. You can choose to have images delivered in RAW format, a compressed format such as JPEG, or both, and also enable automatic delivery of preview-sized images in addition to a main image. In addition, the AVCapturePhotoOutput class can format captured photos for output in the JPEG/JFIF and DNG file format.