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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 9, 2016
The big font reminds me of failed Microsoft’s Windows Phone UI with unnecessarily huge font headings. I mean if I tapped on Settings or Messages, I don’t need to be reminded that “Dude you have opened Settings, you need to calm your horses now”

The big font looked horrid on Windows back then and it still does look horrid even now.

With the loss of Steve Jobs, there is no real authority in Apple Campus to tell their designers about strange UI choices. It’s still B1 and there are 3-4 months for tweaking and changes. But I was kinda disappointed with their design direction. Perfectly working things have been changed for the sake of change.


At least Windows Phone UI has a dark mode.
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Well, it also reminded me of this metro thing from Windows Phone and I absolutely don’t like it, for me iOS is now the ugliest OS. Don’t need big and bold font which takes 20% of my screen.

I really miss the iOS 7-9 style era, slick, slim and beautiful.
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Once you start scrolling the big fonts disappear, like in settings, message etc. I don’t think it’s that much of a big deal.
My eyes bleed looking at that. You realise the picture above is of Windows Phone and not iOS?
That's why they are bleeding.
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