I've read that the 9.7" iPP will not have all of the functionality of the 10.5" iPP with iOS 11. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of what the 9.7" model cannot do?
I gotta call BS on that. I've been using beta iOS 11 on my mini 4. Every feature Apple has enabled so far works on my mini 4. No reason it wouldn't work on the iPP 9.7 too since it's newer and more advanced. Obviously hardware features that did not ship with the mini 4 like Live Photos continue to not work. Too be expected. Same would be true of the iPP 9.7.
But the dock, the control center, quick type keyboard, split view in safari, etc. all there and working. Was there a specific feature you were thinking about that might not work?
Can you run 3 apps plus PIP with all active at the same time?
You can’t have the two split-screen and one slide-over windows all active at the same time on anything but the newest Pros. Due to the need for 4GB of RAM.
Is it confirmed that the limitation is due to 4GB RAM?
From what I’m hearing even the first gen 12.9 can’t do 3 + PIP.
First gen 12.9 iPP has 4GB RAM. The 9.7 only has 2. Both the 10.5 and 12.9 have 4GB RAM.
I know that. But still first gen 12.9 is unable to do it as of Beta 4. Probably a case of planned obsolescence.
I'm running PB on my first generation and it opens 3 apps just fine. Safari, Mail, YouTube, etc.
When you have the 3rd app (slide over) open the other 2 (split screen) apps should be inactive. Are you saying all 3 apps are simultaneously active for you on the current beta?
Yes. I have two apps open in Split View and then open a 3rd in Slide Over, such as YouTube, and it plays perfectly fine. No lag, no stutter, no issues at all.
This is on a 9.7 Pro on the latest beta. I can use the third app, but I can’t use the other 2 apps without dismissing the slide over app
There have been a lot of complaints on this forum about "planned obsolescence" because of this. I personally don't think it's a big deal at all on my 9.7 because the screen is so small and it's no big deal to dismiss and bring back a slide over view anyway. The 12.9 with 4GB RAM and larger screen I think has more of an argument to be made.
I just thought of an instance where I might find this frustrating.... YouTube. So right now I'm enjoying the free 3 month trial of YouTube Red, so YouTube continues to play over audio even when minimized. But without YouTube Red I'm guessing that the video will pause when it becomes inactive?? If so that would be annoying
You could download Protube, the PiP works really well, you can close the app and the video will keep playing. I use an app called opener that allows me to open every youtube link on protube.
I don't think it has much to do with planned obsolescence, but I think Apple maybe should have skipped the 9.7" iPad Pro and just released the 10.5" Pro when it was ready. At the time of launch, the 9.7" iPad Pro had 2 GB of RAM and the same screen dimensions as the Air 2. The speakers and processor and all that were all still fantastic, but that 2 GB of RAM was going to age it pretty quickly, and that was frustrating for people (like me) who bought one on day one only to have it discontinued in the next iteration of Pros.There have been a lot of complaints on this forum about "planned obsolescence" because of this. I personally don't think it's a big deal at all on my 9.7 because the screen is so small and it's no big deal to dismiss and bring back a slide over view anyway. The 12.9 with 4GB RAM and larger screen I think has more of an argument to be made.