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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 2, 2017
anyone notice their flashlight and camera lockscreen icons now make an audible clicking sound instead of just hsptic feedback? My xs max is doing this. Not a fan.
You've always had to press. You can adjust the sensitivity of 3d touch to make it easier.

Not liking the click. Reminds me of the ios 11 bug that made a click when closing the control center.
Did it disappear at some point (given that the thread talks about it already being there)?

Yes it did then -- and has again just like now. For some odd reason (and I had not done the update), the "audible click" disappeared.

I first noticed it when using a third party browser. I wonder if certain apps trigger it and then it doesn't stop until that app is shut off in the background. Right now, the click is gone and it's back to "normal."
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